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Sonnet "Athena"

Thou art not compared to Einstein I tell.

For thou art far wiser than he could be.

A beautiful goddess whom all know well.

Your grey eyes are storming for all to see.

You goddess of wisdom and strategy.

You are beloved to all seekers of

Knowledge and peace. Oh great mother to wise.

A kindered spirit I am as you see.

A goddess I'm not, so don't bid me rise.

Your father is Zeus, the lord of the sky.

Your uncle Poseidon, bids you not well.

Athena you are a goddess so wise.

Your uncle Hades is the god of Hell.

A wise one you are, wiser than any.

Goddess of wisdom, I see you with many.

Okay, so that sucked. Sonnets and I don't get along, so if anyone wishes to give me advice on my suckish Sonnet please COMMENT.

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