chapter one ; go on a boat trip, she said

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As everyone hopped aboard, Olivia turned her head and looked back at her house. Her house had always been her safe place and today, she was stepping out of it to go on a boat adventure.

Olivia is a loving and caring girl. Everyone could agree that she deserves the best. Her girlfriend, Aria, was coming with her to calm her nerves. Olivia had always been afraid of the sea, and not to mention - the boat that they were going in was small and looked like it would break any second. If she had a choice, she would have stayed at home with Aria and watched movies all day, but her mum insisted that she should get out of the house for once.

Olivia and her dad didn't have a very good relationship. He always was out with his friends and didn't care for her. He got so mad when he found out she was bisexual. He was the one who was driving the boat, too. Olivia and Aria held hands as the father started up the boat and went off.

After an hour, they were in the middle of nowhere, not even her mum or dad knew where they were. All around them was the sea, a mild blue with a few fishes swimming around. Olivia could feel her chest tighten and she thought of the worse, "Are we going to die?". That thought crossed her mind a lot. Aria looked into Olivia's eyes and reassured her that they are all going to be okay.

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