t h r e e

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      I'm woken up by the sun creeping through my blinds, the rays of light resting over my closed eyes. I internally groan and cover my face with my sheets. I definitely don't want to wake up today given what's going to happen.

     Just as I'm dozing off into sleep again, my alarm goes off. Seriously? So much for staying in bed. 

     With as much effort as I have, I get out of bed and practically stumble towards the bathroom. Before going in, I notice that it's 12:58. Panic courses through my body. Charley said that Jake was going to be here at eleven. Maybe they're not here?

     My hopes are completely crushed as I feel a hard body crash into mine. It's not enough to knock me over but I have to rest my hand on the wall to hold myself up.

     "Jesus christ, watch where you're going!" I snap.

     My eyes fall on those familiar tattoos and my eyes travel up, resting on the familiar face. Jake. A smirk is tugging at the end of his lips.

     It's way too early for this.

     "Nice hair, did you just wake up?" He asks, his tone teasing.

     My hands fly up to my head and I quickly run my fingers through my brown curls. Jake laughs softly at my struggle to tame it.

     "Ugh, you're so annoying! Go away."

     "I see you've become more vocal. I like it."

     I just woke up and I already feel like murdering somebody. The thought seems very strange given the circumstances.

     I brush past him, making sure to bump shoulders with him on the way. Once I get inside the bathroom, I quickly close the door and lock it.

     Why does this have to happen to me? Why do I have to be the one to randomly run into somebody amidst murders? I guess I'll never know the answers.


     After I got in the shower, I had gotten dressed and gone downstairs. To my horror, Jake was sitting at the table, shoving a sandwhich into his mouth. As he spoke to me, bits fell out and I had to turn my head to keep myself from throwing up. He's definitely not attractive when he eats. Charley walked in and he closed his eyes before letting out a frustrated sigh. Which leads me to now.

     "What, um, what are you two doing?" Charley asks dryly.

     "Nothing, I was just leaving." I say, about to turn and walk away but I'm stopped.

     "Please, stay." Jake's pleads. 

     To my surprise Charley doesn't intervene but I can tell he's not happy right now. Jake seems to be oblivious. Idiot.

     "Um, yeah. Okay, sure." I turn back around and fold my arms awkwardly around my stomach. I lean on the counter and look around, not being able to look at either of them.

     "So Allison, how have you been since we last talked?" Jake asks, mockery laced in his words.

     "Just fine." I don't feel like dealing with this crap so I'm just going to give short responses, hopefully he'll get a clue. He doesn't.

     "You looked really cute in the hallway you know? Definitely adorable in the mornings."

     My mouth opens to say something but Charley beats me to it. I look at him, only to find him glaring at Jake. "Jake, we should really get going."

     Jake stands up and walks to the sink, the plate in hand. I try to move so I don't have to be close to him but he purposely blocks my way. I peer up at him and he's looking at Charley, a full on smirk contorting his features. His head dips down and I find myself staring into his eyes. "Wanna come with?"

     "I don't-"

     Jake raises his hand in the air to stop Charley. "I'm sure your sister would love to join us."

     "W-Where are you going?" I ask.

     "Allison." Charley warns. I know he's trying to help me but it hasn't worked so far. Jake is being very persistent.

     "A party."


     Charley's grip on my wrist is very tight as he pulls me through the string of bodies. Everyone here goes to school, meaning they're underage, but that isn't stopping them from drinking. As I walk by, someone offers me a beer but I decline it. Finally, after what seems like ten minutes, Charley finds us an open spot.

     "This is absolutely crazy. Why did you come?" Charley asks. He's fuming.

     "I didn't really have a choice. As I'm sure you know, Jake won't let me make my own choices."

     All he responds with is a grunt.

     Taking it as the end of the conversation, I observe my surroundings. Like any other party, there are people grinding and dancing to the beat of the music. There are speakers lining one side of the living room, letting out ridiculous pop music. I prefer Crown The Empire but I don't think people will be able to dance to them. A few fog machines let out billowing puffs of smoke, making me cough. How can people stand to be here? I've never understood the appeal.

     "Having fun?"

     Really? How is it that he always finds the worst times to talk to me? Does he not understand that I don't want to talk to him? At first I was willing to give him a chance but the longer I'm around him, the more I'm deciding against it. 

     "Go away."

     He leans his head back and lets out a loud laugh. Dramatic much?

     When he leans forward again a stray hair falls on his forehead. He quickly pushes it back and I can't stop myself from thinking that it's an extremely attractive gesture.

     "Whatever." After he leaves with a shrug, Charley stalks up behind me.

     "What did he want?"

     "I don't know." I honestly answer. Nothing good I'm guessing.


     I turn around and face him. He raises an eyebrow at me and I laugh, grabbing his hands. I move my arms back, pulling his forwards. "Dance." This music stinks but it's no good standing here being a buzz-kill.

     "You're crazy." He tells me and I nod at him. 

     "I know."

     Eventually he gives up and starts dancing. Now, us Bagnall's have never been good at dancing. We have our own weird movements that are very embarrasing. Charley kicks his right leg out and I shake my head from side to side. See what I mean?

     About twenty minutes have flown by, seeming more like a couple of hours. I bend over, resting my hands on my knees, out of breath. "Whew, that was exhausting."

     Just then a loud scream ripples over the music. Someone quickly turns the music down as people rush over to where the scream came from. I look to Charley before running over. Panic takes over every part of me. A blonde girl lays on the carpet, her limbs twisted in weird angles. She has bruises all over her body and to top it off, her throat is slit.

     He's here. The killer is here.

(Ta-da. Chapter three has been brought to you guys. xD I hope you liked and please don't forget to comment and vote ^_^ And thanks to all of those who have commented and voted so far, it really means a lot to me that people like this story.)

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