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I guess now is when I'm supposed to be happy
I have almost everything I've ever wanted
I'm with the love of my life
We've got a good house
Food on the table
Money for the bills
But I still struggle
Some days I feel happy
Others are as dark as they were before
I thought I was supposed to be better
Everyone said I'd forget it all and be better once I was down here
But that's not how it works
And I know that
It just sucks feeling so alone when I know I'm not
It sucks when I hold everything in and break down over something so little
It sucks when he looks at me like I'm crazy for those moments
But he's learning to understand it all
And I'm learning to open up more
We're both a work in progress
And I'm so freaking lucky to have him in my life
He makes me happy

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2019 ⏰

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