First day of school

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So you just moved to L.A and u really didn't know anyone except for your girl best friend and your boy best friend so u called Alex your boy best friend

Your convo
Y/n💖~ nothing just got here are I picking me up for school tomorrow
Alex🤢🤩~yes ofc best friend
Y/n💖~okay see you tomorrow
End of convo!

You where picking your clothes tomorrow and your Wearing this

You where picking your clothes tomorrow and your Wearing this

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And your makeup like ~~

And you went to sleep listening to (Listín to the song^^^ up there)

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And you went to sleep listening to
(Listín to the song^^^ up there)

The next day you got ready alex came you got a call from your girl best friend and
bff🙄😘~hey where are u I'm here at the school with giovanny Brandon Diego Carlos and Christopher they can't wait to meet you.
Best friend🤮~really are they cute 🥰
Bff🙄😘~you will see
Best friend~okay

You got there and u seen your girl best friend and ran up to her and hugged her and then you were meeting everyone and then u seen Carlos and you asked your best friend who was that and she told u that he was her best friend...
And then you Heard "why"

and u looked and it was Carlos calling you so then u went up to him and he asked you if he could hug you and you said okay😏 and then he hugged u and graded your ass and he whispered in your ear saying your mine know Baby and you said "okay?..."
Then Alex said what did carlos want I said nothing why Alex said idk just asking and then u went to first period and u had Carlos in it so u sat next to him and he put his head on your laps and started rubbing on your thighs and u where playing with his hair and then
(SKIP SCHOOL) you went home and changed into

And you got a texted from Carlos👅💦🤤Convo Carlos💦👅🤤~hey baby can I come overY/n💍~yea come Carlos💦👅🤤~on my way babygirlEnd of convo YOU POV baby girl awe that's so cute I wonder why he likes me out wall girls like umm okay you heard a knoc...

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And you got a texted from
Carlos💦👅🤤~hey baby can I come over
Y/n💍~yea come
Carlos💦👅🤤~on my way babygirl
End of convo
baby girl awe that's so cute I wonder why he likes me out wall girls like umm okay you heard a knock on the door❤️
End of POV
Carlos POV
I knocked on the door and y/n Open the door and she looked fine oof I want her to be mineee
End of POV
"Hey Carlos" you said "hey baby wyd" Carlos said "nothing I was watching tv u wanna watch tv in my room" you said Carlos said "yea" next thing you know you and Carlos have sex next day.

Falling for each other best friends 🤤.   #carlosmena #alexguzman 💦Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora