Chapter 27

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"I wanna grow old with you~"

Then he pulled me closer causing me to blush



"Can I ask you something?"


"Will you be my--"


Then we both got startled after hearing such a cute sneeze until suddenly people spoke


Then Jungkook sat up and said


He said while scratching the back of his neck then I sat up as well

"Heheh yea guys we werent talking about stuffs!"

"Oh really now?"

Then both of us spoke in unison


"Well then come lets eat!"


Everyone left except me and Jungkook. Then he held my hand and I immediately flinched but he then said

"Don't worry I got chu! 😘"

I blushed then we went out holding hands

"Yah lovebirds come and let's eat Im STARVING!!!"

Jin said the last part loudly


"Hep hep--"


"Aish!! I was gonna say: Hep hep hep!, Jungkook you sit here and Nayeon sit here you dummies!" Hobi continued



"No Jungkook, cause I know you two will just flirt with each other"
Momo said suspiciously


Then we went to sit across each other and we started to eat, after I finished I went to put my plate in the sink but a voice stopped me


Then he started eating faster

"Yah Kookz dont talk when your mouth is full !! Where are your manners??"

"Ahishhhh *noms* Am pine *noms* hung!!" (Aishhhh Im fine hyung!!)

Then I continued to walk to the sink and put my plate down and told them I was going up. Once im at the top someone called my name

He said cutely

Aish how can dis boi be so cute and handsome AT THE SAME TIME?!?! Aish!!. Oof how long have I been staring at him?!?!

"Noo~na! Why are you staring??"

"U-Uhh nothing!!"

"Oki! :3"

Then we went up while holding hands AGAIN. Once we got in the room I sat down and opened my phone. While I was scrolling to my insta I noticed Jungkook making cute and funny faces beside my Phone📱

(Imagine nayeon sitting down at the bed while jungkook is looking at nayeon making cute and funny faces just to get nayeon's attention)

Then I slowly looked at him then he pouted and started to giggle while saying (Awwwwww)

I Hate You ✔️ | Naykook FFWhere stories live. Discover now