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Naeun P.O.V

Some time had passed since the call from Yonggook and hearing my wonderful younger sister voice.

I was still worried about her. My last promises to Dad was to keep her safe and to stay together. I broke the second one and I'm not even sure if she was safe so that first one was slowly cracking.

As I worried by myself Jinhee quickly tapped me.

"Naeun Unnie! Look!" She gave me her phone and I looked at the two messages that popped up on her screen.

"People Rescued
Coming over now

"I'm alright
Im safe
Dont worry

I sighed in relief as I read the two messages. Both of them were okay, they were both safe.

Jinhee took her phone back and stood up.

"My friends are coming!" She shouted to everyone.

"Huh? What did you say?" The attendant got up and walked over to us

"Our friends from another cart plate coming over" I said getting up also and standing in front of Jinhee.

"Whose coming?" The annoying man who I figured our was a CEO of a company names Yongsuk asked.

"Are you deaf? Our friends and My sister are coming over, they were in car  9 and came through, rescuing some other people on the way" he looked at me with anger as I did the same.

"From here to there? Lasting through those monsters? Without any injuries?" He questioned us.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Jinhees smile fade from her face as Yongsuk gave us an ugly smirk.

"What do you mean?" Jinhee asked him.

"It means he doesn't believe that they could have gone through without being infected" I stated as he scoffed.

"I mean! In times like these, none of us know what the dam happened to our families!.... and you want to let them in?" He scoffed again, gesturing to the group of people behind him.

"Well I know my sister, I got to know Yonggook and I met Sanghwa and let me tell, they are alot smarter than you" I growled while gesturing to him with my finger.

"So what? You saw the military! Even they couldnt stop those creatures! What makes you think your sister and your friends can get past them?" Yongsuk said.

"Ahjusshi? Please say something" Jinhee turned to the attendant who tried to keep a straight face.

"Theyll be here soon" he whispered.

"Please!" She begged the man but it did no justice.

"Come on Jinhee, let's just sit down, they obviously dont believe us so let's just leave them" grabbing onto Jinhees arm and walking away to the furthest seat from the group and sitting us down.

"They're fine right?" Jinhee asked me, tears brimming around her eyes.

I sighed and pulled her into a hug.

"Dont believe that wretched man Jinhee, they are fine. If they were infected, Yonggook wouldn't have been able to text us" I reminded her as I lightly pat her hair.

Hyunjin.....be safe little sis.

Naeun P.O.V

"NAEUN UNNIE! JINHEE UNNIE!!" I heard the voice of my sister desperately scream out to us.

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