Night Owls Together-Chan

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She ran through the streets, a smile plastered on her face. Weaving her way between the pedestrians and dodging anything that might stop her. Around many corners and through many dark alleyways.

"Here!" She yelled as she came to a sudden stop.

In front of her was a beautiful park. Vegetation covered every inch of the area. Beautiful plants and trees scattered throughout it. She walked towards the gate that blocked the busy city from the surreal piece of nature.

"Name?" The security guard asked.

"L/n Y/n, I booked it the whole day. I'm just waiting for some friends to arrive!" she chirped.

The guard nodded and scribbled on his clipboard before retreating back into his little guard watch-house. Y/n stood and waited for her friends, she was about twenty minutes early.

As time passed, one by one her friends had gathered. She did a count and found everyone there.

"Everyone ready?" She asked.

"Yes!" they answered.

She smiled, opening the gates and leading everyone in. The gate closed behind them and they walked through the thick forest. It was going to take some time to get to the middle so they all had formed little groups and began talking.

"So, why are we here?" Chan asked her.

She smiled up at the older male.

"You'll see," was all she said.

The male huffed and playfully rolled his eyes at her. Then another male joined them at the front.

"Hey Jisung," Y/n acknowledged his presence.

"Hey Y/n/n and Chan-Hyung," he greeted back.

"What are you doing up here Jisung?" Chan asked.

"No ones talking to me~ So I came up here because I know Y/n always talks with me!" He explained.

Y/n and Chan let put giggles at his cuteness. He'd always been hyper and needed attention from someone. When others ignored him, he'd go talk with Y/n.

"Well, what do you want to talk about Sungie?" She asked the squirrel-like boy.

"Hmm, oh! Did you hear about the new arcade opening?" he asked.

"I did! I'm super excited to go! Even if I suck at the games there..." She laughed at herself.

"I'll take you there as soon as it's opened! Then we can compete, and I might even win you a plush from the claw machine," he exclaimed, both now smiling and laughing.

Chan cleared his throat and looked elsewhere. Y/n noticed his weird behaviour and pouted slightly.

"You okay Chan? You aren't getting sick, are you?" She asked concerned, putting her hand up to his forehead.

The small action made Chan go red and he quickly moved her hand away.

'The innocence...she's gonna be the death of me,' he thought to himself.

"No, I-I'm fine, just getting lost in a daydream," he muttered out to her.

Y/n wasn't convinced but she didn't want to push so she made a mental note to ask about it later or at least find out about this daydream he was having. She turned back to Jisung who just had a smirk on his face as he eye'd Chan. Chan felt his eyes on him, he made eye contact with the younger member and glared at him.

"Y/n! How long!" Felix whined from behind the three.

"Almost there! Wait!" The girl stopped dead in her tracks and everyone else also froze, waiting for her to speak.

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