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Without speaking at all, Jungkook grabs my arm, and before I could react, he pulls me into a janitor's closet. I could faintly hear Eun Woo calling out to me in the distance, but wasn't able to respond as Jungkook had now covered my mouth with his hand.

A janitor's closet. How cliché.

Without saying anything, not that I was able to yet, I lick Jungkook's hand, as he jerked his hand away and looked at me in sheer disgust.

"YAH! You're disgusting!"

"Well that's all I could do to get your disgusting hand off my mouth."

"You're the one who made my hand dirty idiot."

"What do you want now Jungcock?"

Jungkook's POV

"Yah, the name's Jungkook. Not Jungcock." I narrowed my eyes at the short but feisty girl in front of me.

"Nah, I prefer Jungcock."

"It doesn't matter what you prefer! It's my name after all."

"Well I believe that you're a dick, which is also relatively known as a cock. Hence the name Jungcock. Suits your personality perfectly." 

"Yah, are you provoking me right now?" I slam my hand next to her head as she just stares at the hand and then me, unfazed.

Why isn't she affected? Most girls melt even after I gaze at them? Oh well, I bet she won't be able to walk even after I tease her...tsk...let's see how strong you really are Cho Y/N.

"Maybe. But you are really getting on my nerves right now. Leave me before I do something worse than what happened at lunch, you wouldn't want to be beaten up by a girl would you now?"

"Threatening me...huh?" I move my face towards her, to the point where I could feel her hot breath on me, and she could probably feel my hot breath on her.

"You wouldn't want to do that...Cho Y/N." I brush my lips past her ear and whisper, as I hear her let out a chuckle.

"You're charms don't work on me Jungcock."

"What did I say about Jungcock!" I grit my teeth as she tapped her chin as if she were thinking for a few seconds.

"Then...do you prefer Junglebook?"

"Can you come up with something other than these retarded names? Or instead just call me Jungkook. It isn't. That. Damn. Hard."

"Nope." she pops the 'P' as I just sigh.

"Putting that aside, what about leaving Eun Woo alone?"

"Bitch what makes you think that I'll leave him alone? Go and find something to do with your fucking life."

"Well I guess you'll have to learn things the hard way then..."

"Oh really? Let's see what you got, Jeon Junglebook." she stifled a laugh as I slam my hand next to her face as she yawns.

Damn she is quite cute when she yawns...wait...what the fuck am I thinking? This girl sure is interesting...

"If you're done now can I go? I don't like wasting time on losers." she pushes past me and makes her way out of the closet.

Why is she so different? And why doesn't she fall for my charms like everyone else does? Never mind, soon enough, she'll be like the others, begging for my attention and wanting to date me. I seriously can't wait until that day comes...

Sighing, I decide to head over to class for once. Not that I enjoyed it. Or cared about it. But I had talked to the office lady and found out I had History with Y/N. At least the lesson in which time passes by like a snail would be more entertaining with Y/N in it. 

You don't know what you've gotten yourself into Cho Y/N. With me in your classes, I can't ensure a smooth lesson 

Walking into class, I see Y/N seated at the back of the room where I usually sit.

Seriously? Even if I tell her to move she won't budge an inch from my seat. Ugh, whatever, I'll just tell her to get off just to embarrass her in front of the class. I mean, I am the bad boy of the school for a reason.

"What do you think you're doing on my seat?" I raise my eyebrows as I hear her sigh and look at me with annoyance.

"I think you really need to get your eyes checked since you can't see that I am sitting here, in your so called seat."

"Oh shit...she keeps messing with him, she's in for some deep shit if she keeps this act up." I heard a girl behind me murmur as I smirked, but then remembered the matter at hand.

"Don't be sassy with me Y/N! Get off my seat!"

"I'm sorry but sassiness is a part of my nature, and clearly I don't see your name engraved on this seat, so it's not yours. Go buzz off and ask one of your fangirls to move, they'll move seats for you in a heartbeat."

I don't understand how one can come with such comebacks so easily. She really is a tough one.

"Will I have to drag you off my seat, or are you getting up?" I asked, not wanting to have to speak to one of my fangirls.

Man their fake high pitched voices really make my ears bleed. There is no way in hell that I'm talking to one of them.

"Aish you really seem to have to get your ears checked like I said before. Should I book you an appointment? Cause you can't seem to get it through your thick skin that I am not budging from this seat no matter what you do, because I got here before you."

"You little bi-"


"Whatever." I roll my eyes and took my seat beside hers. 

I literally wanted to fall asleep. I mean the teacher kept droning on in the most monotone voice about shit we wouldn't even use in the future.

I laid my head down on my table and saw Y/N in my sight, when an idea came to mind. Smirking, I lift my head up and put my plan to action.

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