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Joeys p.o.v

I'm soooo freakin nervous to ask Cassie out
I'm already ready to pick Cassie up

I get in my car and drive to her house
I get to her house and knock on the door

Btw I have roses for her (her favorite flower)
She opens the door with short red tight dress

"Uh these are for you" I hand her the flowers looking at her up and down

"Aww thanks joe" she smells them
"Come in"

She puts the flowers in a vase
"You look beautiful bab- Cassie" I say

"Thank you Joey you look very handsome" she smiles

"Ok are you ready to go?"
"Yep" she grabs her purse and we drive off

We get there
"Ok put this on" I hand her a blindfold

"Ok" she giggles
I tie it around her head

I help her get out he car
And I lead her to the surprise

"Ok you ready?" I say

I take off the blindfold

Cassie's p.o.v

He takes off the blind fold and his is what I see

(*pretend Bryce, Taylor, Zach, and nick are holding up signs that say 'will you be my girlfriend ' in front of the heart

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(*pretend Bryce, Taylor, Zach, and nick are holding up signs that say 'will you be my girlfriend ' in front of the heart.....ok? Ok.*)

"Oh my god Joey this is beautiful" I say tearing up

"Yes I would love to be your girlfriend" I smile and hug him

All the guys cheer and scream
I lean in and kiss Joey

He kisses back
I love this kid so much

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