Noble Sacrifice

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Prompt: She made a noble sacrifice and now, as a ghost, she resents it.

No one is ever truly prepared for death. We can all pretend to be unafraid and ready, but the fear and uncertainty will always be there. Until you're bleeding out on the cold, hard floor of a dungeon alone because you took the blame for a crime the person you love committed, you will never know true pain much worse than death. You could say I died of a broken heart, that does sound better than "I died from being stabbed about twenty three times". I, unfortunately, get to pay the price of my ignorance by watching the love of my life forget me rather quickly. I should be happy that he's happy and alive, but I lost so much protecting him. Taking the bullet is an in the moment event, but I had two weeks to debate what I wanted. I did tell the court that I was not the one who did this, but I had no way of proving otherwise and Jonathan had no plans of confessing.

I didn't get to live and I truly miss everything I once had. He doesn't even visit my grave. He probably doesn't remember me either let alone feel guilty for what he's done. The afterlife isn't peaceful like everyone wants to believe it is. Nothing about it is peaceful. No one prepares you for the long line of lost souls searching for a passage to the light where the pain will end, but if justice is not served your soul doesn't feel at peace. It's not that I didn't want to leave, my soul just wouldn't allow me to. I wanted nothing more than the silence that came with the peace even if it was only for a second.

Now I'm stuck here, watching the man who betrayed me. Waiting for the perfect time to strike. I only have one chance to leave this world for good and I'm taking her with me. No amount of begging will stop me, he will feel the same pain I felt.

This is my first fully written prompt so I'm sorry if it's really terrible. Please inform me of any grammar mistakes I will fix them immediately and It's always nice to receive any type of feedback. Tell me what you think of this and tell me if you have any suggestions that would help me a lot more than any follows or votes, though those are always nice too. I try to upload every Wednesday and/or Friday. Thank you for reading!

(I did try to upload daily but I've got a lot of issues and it became too much work for me and it sucked the fun out of writing. Sorry!)

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