--- Chapter 2 - Nagisa Gets Embarrassed ---

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Nagisa P.O.V.

"You want me to WHAT ?!"

"I'm sorry, but you're the best assassin we have for this job. You'll fit right in. If anything goes wrong, just give me a call and I'll send in reinforcements," Mr. Karasuma sighs.

Apparently, I have to go to Paris and protect a school. The government had heard of some pans to take the students hostage for a ransom. The craziest part? They wanted to send me to infiltrate the school and kill the terrorists before they take the school.

"... fine."

Mr. Karasuma hands me a pamphlet and a stack of registration forms. "Good. Fill out these forms by tomorrow and read the booklet. I'll take care of the rest.

"Okay," I say.

"Your flight leaves tomorrow afternoon. Pack your bags and meet me here at one."

"What about my mom? Is she okay with this?"

"If you mean, is she okay with you being an exchange student in Paris, then yes."

I sigh in relief. Of course Mr. Karasuma would have an excuse for me.

"You should get some rest. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow. "

"Yes, sir."

I trudge through the halls of the E-Class building, replaying the conversation that had just taken place.

You'll fit right in. No one will suspect a thing.

You can go undercover as a girl or boy


Here are the files of your classmates.

Don't trust anyone.

No one should know.

Kill them.

Kill them.

Kill. Them.

The words echo in my mind. This seems impossible. No info, no names, no times. But it's my job is to figure everything out, so that's what I'll do.

TIMESKIP : Brought to you by ... Mrs. Stinkbottom!

I stand outside the classroom. I wouldn't see anyone in person for the next month, and I want to get my goodbyes over and done with here instead of the airport.

Karma hands me a "care pack", if you can call tubes of wasabi and hot mustard, knives, duct tape, and a collapsable fishing rod that.

I look at him and deadpan, "How exactly am I going to use this?"

He winks back at me. "I gave you my deluxe delinquent-catching kit. Use it well."

Kayano was silent the entire time, but I don't know why. I mean, we all forgave her after the whole hiding-tentacles-and-trying-to-kill-everyone fiasco. I walk up to her, and as soon as I step near her, she rushes at me, hugs me, and went back to where she was standing. Her face was slightly red. Is she sick?

I don't know what that was about, so I turn my attention to the rest of the class.

Nakamura shouts out, "Don't forget to bring back souvenirs!"

The whole class starts chiming in with requests of their own.

"Can I have a keychain?"

"Ooh! Will you meet anyone famous?"

"Take me with you!"

I sweat-drop at their questions. Koro-sensei then approaches me. "Don't worry Nagisa, you'll do fine. Remember, be yourself. If anyone in here could do it, it's you."


"Although I could drop you off at Paris on my gelato trip to Italy, apparently, since you're staying a long time, you have to take a plane." He starts mumbling, "Those airplanes have nothing on me. I'm faster and safer, but who does the credit go to? Them, them, them!"

The class just stare at him. I smile and take out my notebook. I write:

Koro-sensei Weakness #41 - He's jealous of airplanes.

A.N. Koro-sensei actually has only 40 weaknesses, but I was lazy, and instead of finding out where this one would fit, I just wrote it as 41. Note that this isn't actually canon. Koro-sensei is quite petty like this though.

I don't know how it would come in handy, but a good assassin is always prepared.

The final goodbyes are said. Koro-sensei pats my head with his tentacle. I shake him off and head in Mr. Karasuma's direction.

Time for my new life in Paris.


I can't believe I've already gotten 33 reads! I mean, I only started writing this story about a month ago. Seriously guys. Thanks a bunch!

Also, I'm going to a concert tonight. I'm seeing 2CELLOS. Maybe you've heard of them, maybe you haven't. Basically, they're two guys playing pop songs on the cellos. My mom is a big fan of them, me, not so much. I prefer TwoSetViolin. If you haven't seen them, they're really funny.

One last thing. Go to YouTube and search "Welcome to Hell". Trust me, it's really funny. I love it.


--- themuffinninja ---

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