chapter 1

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                 Here are my keys. I emptied my drawers. Apparently you love being a big shot country music star more than having a life with me. I can't deal with it. I tried, but I just can't. I'll give Mama Becky a call some time and come back to get the rest of my house hold stuff. Best of luck at the ACMs.


The ACMs? I just laid my father to rest and this bitch thinks I'm worried about the fuckin ACMs!

My growls echoed through the empty kitchen followed by the sound of glass shattering against the wall. Hope she wasn't to attached to that glass vase thing.

And Mama? She'll be lucky if my Mama even answers the damn phone for her ass now. Hell she's barely answering for me these days. Not quite sure what to make of it. I know she's still tryin to figure life out without Daddy. Ya they got divorced but they always kept in touch and were on good terms. Mama was the one the sheriff called day the accident happened.

And now any time Kolby and I can reacher Mama she keeps asking all sorts of crazy questions about our dreams and talkin bout some uncle of Dad's that we've never met. Wish I could shake these Odd feelings I get when we talk. Kolby gets them too. Which reminds me I need to call Kolby and get the details for this road trip sorted out cuz Mama ain't gonna drop it. Says we need to go meet the guy. Don't see what the rush is. Never met him before. Don't even think I ever heard Daddy talk about him.

The broken glass crackled under my boots as I walked towards the back door leading to the deck. I let a cigarette and hit send hoping my little brother would actually pick up before I had another fit and wrecked anything else of hers in the house. That hope vanished the second I heard the front door open and Amber called my name. My blood instantly boiled.

"Now wait just a God damn minute!" I could feel my temper growing shorter by the second. The half smile on her face faded when I slammed the door behind me making her jump.

"Brantley do you feel ok?" That was genuine concern in her voice. I half snorted at her. "Do I feel ok? Ya sure I'm just grand. The moss ain't even growin on Dad's grave yet and you run out after begging me to take you back. Then you think you can walk through that door," I paused throwing my brass knuckles at the front door, " probably thought you could slip back in and grab your shit before I came back."

I realized why she looked shocked when I turned my back to her. I could see my reflection in the microwave. My damn eyes looked like they were glowing a crazy yellow color. That's when the room started spinning and the lights went out.

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