Chapter 2

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Written by SPaige0615

I woke up, flat on my back, on my kitchen floor. I’d like to say I’ve never experienced this before, but it’d be a lie. It’s not the first time it’s happened. The break-up letter Amber had written was still crumpled in my fist. Sitting up slowly, I tossed it behind me somewhere, not really caring where it landed. I moved slowly, fighting off some residual dizziness. Ever since my dad died, I’ve been having these spells. I’d go into a rage, or I’d black out, or start running a crazy fever. And the dreams. The dreams that I haven’t told Mama about. Or Kolby even. I always dream of the same thing. It’s always her. The woman runs through my dreams on a nightly basis. Even while I’m awake, I catch myself thinking of her. Those gloriously thick locks tangling as I thread my fingers through her hair, her voice calling out, her hands reaching for me. Her eyes. Golden. Thinking of her eyes, I scrambled to my bathroom mirror, desperately hoping I’d see my green orbs reflected back at me. It had to be a trick of the light. Cautiously raising my eyes to the mirror, I braved my palms on the counter. “Fuck...” I rumbled. My eyes were a golden amber, they nearly glowed. “No!” I roared. The growl in my voice more prominent than its ever been. I could’ve sworn I felt the walls rattle. It was primal. More animal than man. Staring down my reflection, I glared at myself. “Green!” I demanded. Hoping that I was seeing things. This couldn’t be real. Slowly, my amber irises faded back to the moss green they’ve always been. Letting out a choked breath, I stumbled back until I hit the wall, then slid down until my ass met the floor. My hands shook as I tried to get my smokes out of my pocket. I don’t typically smoke in the house, but I’d say this was a real special fucking occasion. Grabbing my phone, I dialed Mama’s number, silently praying that she’d actually answer. She did. “Mama... I think I’m going crazy.” I barely managed to get out before the room started spinning. “What? Brantley are you alright?!” I heard her concerned voice. Quickly putting out my cigarette, I raised my phone to my ear once more. “I... Mama.... What’s....” it was all I got out before darkness claimed my conscious mind once again.

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