•Pass the salt•

846 10 7

(age up)
D/n =dads name

- oh no
- stutter x10
- tries to play it off
- fails miserably
- "I-I was j-j-just trying to save y-you the t-trouble Mr. l/n"

- quickly grabs the salt
- no shame
- the largest smirk
- tells all the losers
- "oh come on d/n we all know who's the real daddy"
- your dad hates him

- slowly retracts his hand
- everyone sees
- tries to apologize but nothing come out
- flustered just stares at his food
- "I'm sorry but Eddie and I will be going"
- tells everyone

- didnt pay attention and passed you the salt
- everyone stares at him
- he finally looks up and sees your fathers face
- puts down fork
- "oh come on Mr.L/n let's be real"
- no chill

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