The Repulsive Room | Chapter 1

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Hello, if you have been paying attention to my previous recordings on the unfortunate tale of the Baudelaire orphans you would already know about the hostile situation that the Baudelaires, Quagmires, and myself were now in. However, what you may not know is luckily, we had been reunited once again and not been separated when we were brutally taken away from Briny Beach by the mysterious men. We didn't know where we were, but at least we were together. 

After the men took us away from Briny Beach, they blindfolded us and placed us all in a single room with no decor, no color on the walls, and no furniture where we were fed three small, lousy meals a day. We had no clue who are kidnappers were, they never revealed themselves. Quigley insisted that one of the voices sounded familiar, but he had no idea where he recognized it from. That's where we were, no knowledge of anything around us, or so I thought. What I, personally, didn't know was that I still had a lot to learn.


It was our second day stuck in the room. Duncan, Klaus, and Quigley were off talking to each other and Sunny and Beatrice were playing with the dirty plates from our last meal. I sat by Isadora and Violet and I braided their hair, for the fifth time today. We were quite bored, as anyone stuck in a room with no decor, furniture, or belongings would be. Every time I let out my frustration, the Baudelaires and Quagmires seemed to pity me even more. I could tell they were hiding something. I was sick of all the secrets being kept from me. 

"Violet, do you think this has anything to do with, you know," Isadora hinted. 

"That's impossible. He's dead," Violet shuddered. 

"Do you think it has anything to do with the VFD?" Isadora asked. VFD. VFD? Where had I heard that before? 

"Most of them are dead, too," Violet responded solemnly. I felt chills go down my spine. They were always talking about people they knew that had died. I couldn't take it anymore. I had too many questions. 

"Can someone please just explain what's going on?" I begged. I felt as if I could cry. 

"Oh Elle, I'm so sorry we brought you into this," Violet apologized. 

"No, I'm not saying I don't wish I was with you guys. I'm so glad I have you as friends, I'd just like to know why you're always whispering," I added. 

"Well, if you're going to stick around with us, we've probably got to fill you in," Violet hesitated, "Klaus, can I speak with you for a minute?" Klaus and Violet went over to the other side of the room and began talking quietly. 

Isadora reached out to me and grabbed my hand and whispered, "It's going to be okay. There's just a lot that's gone on in our lives and it's hard to understand." Those few words meant so much to me. 

"We're here for you, we know it's hard to go through something like this, but you get used to it eventually," she giggled. 

"Thank you," I whispered, "For everything." 

"Hey, it's just what friends are for," Isadora smiled. 

"Yeah, what friends are for," I smiled back.

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