Auld Lang Syne

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"I still can't believe you're back!" Mel cheered holding the neck of a wine glass in her hand full of champagne. "To Harry!" She toasted, raising the glass to her lips to take a sip, smiling as others echoed the toast around her.

The whitelighter chuckled to himself, taking a sip of his own. "I'm glad to be back. I can not thank you guys enough for saving me. Usually once there you're left to rot." His eyes looked pained as he said it, trying to bury the memories of Tartarus.

"As if we would let you rot." Macy giggled wrapping her arms around him giving him a hug. "You're family, Harry."

Harry smiled at her never getting tired of hearing it. He was without a family for so long, his life was dedicated to serving others, he was expendable, but all that changed when he met the three sisters that captured his heart.

"Today of all days! Surely you would have other plans." It was New Year's Eve. He has been in hell, quite literally since Christmas Eve.

"It took awhile to figure out away to get you out, to get all the pieces again. We had to jump through a lot of hoops, with the elders, and Hunters family."

Harry shuddered at the name, glancing around the room for the annoying twit who he was stuck in Tartarus with. They didn't exactly bond in the eight days, that was for sure. He felt like punching him, every time he opened his mouth.

He finally spotted him, amongst the small crowd they gathered to ring in the new year, he was amongst Galvin – now that his tattoo was gone - and his brother who started this mess in the first place.

Amongst the three she sat in the corner by herself, her own glass of champagne in her hand, the other holding the oval of the locket around her neck.

Mel and Macy glanced at each other then  at their whitelighter and back at their sister. "She still hasn't talked to you yet?" Macy asked incredulously.

Harry sighed remembering the half assed smile she gave him, handing him her gift and a "glad your back." Before running up the stairs to her room. That was hours ago, and she barley glanced in his direction ever since.

"Not since she gave me my gift." He frowned sadly missing the youngest witch. She always put a smile on his face, even if it was butchering the English language he held so dear. She was the first to welcome him into their family, she always included him. Having her shun him now hurt worse than any torture he endured.

"What was it?" Mel asked curiously trying to figure out what her sister got the whitelighter. She seen his face as he opened it, it was awed, shocked and full of pain, followed by happiness and love.

"A pocket watch, old family heirloom. Inside there was a picture of myself with my family- my human family." He clarified. "And then there's a picture of my family." He smiled letting her know he meant them.

Macy's eyes widened. "How'd she get that?"

Harry shrugged. "I have no clue."

Auld Lang Syne

"Hey Mags" a British accent greeted with a hint of arrogance.

For a second she thought it was him, but his accent was stronger and had an air of cockiness. This accent made her blood boil and stomach turn. "What do you want." She spat without glancing at him.

He sighed dramatically. "Your whitelighter is back, All is well. Join the festivities."

She rolled her eyes.

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