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The night was dark, a storm was raging on as if the heavens themself was falling. Edward dashed throughout the castle in search of Elli. They were in the middle of an important discussion when they had a bit of a disagreement, which resulted in Elli to bolt out of the room.

Edward looked everywhere but there was no signs of her presence within the castle. Edward's eyes shook with fear, he was worried she might have rushed out of the castle right into the perilous storm.

Having decided Elli definitely wasn't in the castle, Edward raced towards the castles exit and without a moments hesitation, Edward fled the castle to face the storm head on in search of Elli.

Edward was unable to see much of his surroundings due to the storm that was blocking the moon and the fact he hurried so fast out of the castle he didn't have a torch to light his way. Edward's only source of light was the occasional flashes that lit up the night sky.

Edward was completely drenched and his hair plastered to his face as he frantically darted about outside. Edward called out into darkness, hoping Elli would respond but recieved no response. Fear welled up within him, Edward was distraught that he could find no trace of her. But he was not ready to give up, Edward didn't care if he would get scolded later for being so reckless or even if he got sick, right now all that mattered to him was finding Elli.

Having looked everywhere and finding no sign to Elli's whereabouts, Edward's body started to tremble, he was terrified by the thought something might have happened to her in this storm. Edward heaved a sigh, his body was tense and his eyes were pain-stricken as he looked around one more time.

Just as he thought it was useless and that maybe she returned to the castle, a flash lit the sky and Edward spotted a silhouette that looked to be that of a person in the distance.

Edward's eyes widened at the sight, hope filled his weary eyes; Edward hoped his eyes weren't playing tricks on him and that it was actually Elli he could see everytime the sky flashed from the storm.

Edward sprinted as fast as he could over to the figure surrounded by the darkness. Sure enough there was Elli sitting on the ground resting her head on her knees as the rain soaked her. Edward sighed in relief that he finally found her; without thinking, Edward hurriedly knelt down to embrace her tight.

Noticing the sudden weight of someone against her back and with their arms holding her tight, Elli looked up in surprise; her eyes were swollen and her cheeks were red from crying.

"Edward?" Elli softly spoke his name.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..." Edward whispered sadly as he tightened his hold on her.

Elli immediately regretted her childish behavior, she never meant to hurt Edward as she did.

"No." Elli slightly shook her head, "I'm sorry." Elli sighed and reached one of her hands up to Edward's face that rested on her shoulder and gently placed it against his cheek.

Edward felt his aniexty slowly wash away as Elli tenderly stroked his face.

"I'm sorry I worried you..." Elli said, her lips quivered sadly, she felt horrible about everything.

"None of that matters now. I'm just glad I found you..." Edward's eyes still shook slightly from everything, but he was relieved to have found Elli; Edward was just so happy to be holding her within his arms

Deciding it was best not to stick around in the storm any longer than necessary, Edward stood up and helped Elli to stand. He took hold of Elli's hand and intertwined their fingers,  Edward wanted to be sure Elli wouldn't just disappear on him again.

Though the air was cold and they were soaked to the bone, their hearts were warm as they walked hand in hand back towards the castle.

A panicked Louis strode up to them as they entered the castle; he appeared to be in shock, he was speechless from seeing them in their current state but he quickly pulled himself together and prepared new clothes for them while they took a bath.

Louis later expressed his concern about Edward carelessly running out into storm but he was thankful that he did; Louis was very worried about Elli after Edward explained everything that had happened but felt relieved Edward found her and no harm came to either of them.

Edward and Elli spent a passionate night together, both wanted to make up to the other for their earlier mistakes. They both would make sure in the future they would always be there for one another no matter what or how rough things may get. Elli promised she wouldn't run out on Edward again and they both promised to always love and protect each other, forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2014 ⏰

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