Old Times Sake

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"I won't be a minute clara, i just have to refuel" The Doctor says stepping into his Tardis.

He sets the controls for Cardiff, and let#s the Tardis disappear

Every now and again the doctor likes to refuel his tardis, and the riff in Cardiff is a great place for a pit stop.

The Tardis lands and the Doctor steps out, he takes one look arounf and realises something went wrong. He hasn't landed in Cardiff, but in fact Chiswick.

He  checks he year, 2030. Confused as how he ended up so far ahead than 2014, The Doctor decides to leave, he has more important things to do than wonder why he's here.

The Doctor puts one foot back into the tardis when he hears someone calling his name, ignoring this, the Doctor carrys on inside the Tardis.

"DOCTOR WAIT" he hears the voice cry.

The Doctor peeks out of the Tardis and see's a young school girl, not much older than 15, running towards him.

"This could be anything" The Doctor thought and shut the door again, he'd just put his hand on the controls when he heard a knock at the door.

The young girls banging on the door, like she's trying to force it open.

"Doctor please open the door" she shouts, the Doctor feels as if he has no choice but to open it.

When he opens it the young girl looks very shocked.

"I thought i recognised that noise, however , you look nothing like i've been told. How about that" she says, trying to catch her breath.

"And who exacly are you?" The Doctor was starting to question himself, is she the reason the Tardis brought him here?.

"My names Hayleigh, You know my mum, do you remember her?"

The Doctor pauses for a second before answering, he's met many mothers on his travels, how is he meant to remember just one lady?

"You'll have to be more specific, i've met a lot of women and i don't see why your mother would be so special" The Doctor states, he doesn't have time for this Clara is waiting.

"My mum was the most important person in the universe, you said so yourself" she replies, upset.

The doctor realises who she meant...

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