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The world around me is changing and, though my history with change has not always been an accepting one, I am very much enjoying it. Mostly for the simple fact that I have seen so much, which has allowed me to learn about, and understand, the universe in a perspective I would've never thought possible. To many, my life over the past year is something akin to that of a Star Trek character and it has been the most exciting experience. The best thing to come out of this, however. is my relationship with the Doctor. I don't quite know where to begin in explaining her, but she is the most thoughtful, kind and downright childish time travelling alien I have ever met, and, of course, the easiest on the eye. She is simply awesome. Imperfect, but awesome. To think that I have the opportunity to live with her, in Sheffield, is even better. Granted we are only doing this to escape some aliens who seem to be playing some sort of twisted mode and seek, but I will cherish the time together. She suggested that we all leave her during this time, but I may have ignored her totally, enamoured with the idea of spending some time alone with my favourite alien ever. I'm lucky that Graham seemed to get my hint of wanting to be alone with her, as Ryan also wanted to stay, but they have become used to allowing us time alone. Ryan, confused as usual, hasn't figured why yet and I hope it comes to him soon, I just think it will be enough having to explain this all to my mum and that adding him into it will just make it more difficult. there is also the small problem that I am ninety-nine percent sure that the Doctor doesn't like me in the same way, but I am counting on that one percent.

We set ourselves up in a small apartment, not dissimilar to my own, which was questionably purchased by my dear friend who, with no doubt, bribed the seller with a once in a lifetime opportunity she was able to offer because of some ridiculous connection. Naturally, the Doctor suggests she takes the sofa, on account for how she doesn't really need to sleep, but I refuse.

"you can stay in with me, I mean, if you don't need to sleep anyway, it shouldn't be a big problem." I try to convince her, without being too obvious that I really just want an opportunity to hug her and fall asleep next to her, waking up to her stroking my hair gently. "and if you do get tired I'm more than happy to share the bed. It is a queen-sized after all."

"alright then, see ya on a bit, Yaz" she says, turning to walk out of the door.

"what do you think you are doing?"

"going to get supplies, nothing too big. bread, custard creams, a purple sofa."

"doc, no offence or anything, but we are hiding from aliens. what if you get recognised. Put your shoes down, I'll go." I say, trying to figure out the best way to go about this.

"ok Yaz, I'll be right here, won't move. Don't forget the sofa!" she yells as I leave the apartment for the shops. The clueless yet impossibly smart time lord sitting behind the door I shut gently. The bitter cold hits my face. Its the type that you would only get in the winter, and I'm glad this all happened now. winter is the best excuse to stay home and watch films. there is the small matter of work, which I will have to go to, but I'm sure between us, the doctor and I, we can figure something out.

As soon as I get back to our humble abode, I notice a few odd things scattered over the floor.

"hi Yaz," the woman covered in engine oil and paint says from the floor, "no need to get the sofa, I grabbed mine form the TARDIS. There is no need to worry about anything I got graham and Ryan to help me move some bits and bobs over here from my very stationary ship. "

She makes me laugh, my doctor. Its just that everything she does is so full of love, and it doesn't matter who that love is for because it is always so pure. And yes, sometime she does scare us, and there is no doubt that she is powerful beyond measure, but to see her act so softly, carefully weaving her way through conversations so not to hurt too many people, is the most extraordinary thing anyone could ever witness. although she hasn't said it yet, I know she loves us, all three of us have become such a strange but fitting family over the last year. It almost makes me sad thinking back to a time before the doctor. My life was so hollow, yet so ready to be filled with adventure and kindness, and love. For so long I was afraid that I was destined to never find someone who loved me more than a friend, and it felt as though that was becoming more and more true as time passed. It all consumed me, the idea of loneliness, and coming out seemed stupid, in case I fell in love with a guy who fell in love with me, because if that was to happen I would have gone through such a fuss for nothing. Although it took a while, things started to fall into place, and after relieving myself of the secret that was eating me up for so long, I was able to open my eyes to what I had been hiding from. My mum never understood bisexuality until I sat down and explained what it meant to me, and before then I guess I never really did either. But until I had met the doctor, I had never wanted a relationship so much. Being around her is a gift, that if it was to end I don't quite know what else there is to live for.

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