Last Chance (Joey Wheeler X Reader)

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I'm in the process of coming back and starting to write again, but I may have slow updates. Thanks for all the support though. 

 Your PoV

 "I don't want to do this right now Joey," I growled as snatched my keys from Joey's kitchen counter and stomped towards the front door. 

"Wait y/n come back. We can sort this out. You can't just leave me here after all we've been through," Joey attempted to persuade me as he scrambled to catch up with me. 

"Well you never answer my calls or return them anymore and you ignore my texts leaving me on read. Joey, at some point I've got to draw a line," I spoke in a rather harsh tone as I climbed into my car and shut the door. 

"Y/n I need you. I'll change. I promise just please come back," Joey yelled through the glass of my car window as I started my car. 

I took off leaving Joey and most of my feelings for him behind. As much as I needed him, I really didn't. He was becoming really toxic and once I was ready, it was all going end. I wanted to give Joey another chance, but after the last one, it was foolish to let him have another. I just needed a break right now and figure things out. Having things go back to what they were eight months ago is what I want more than anything. 

 Eight months ago we were the happiest couple on planet Earth. Everything was going better than I could ever imagine. Then things started to change. I didn't notice it at first or maybe I didn't want to notice it. It would be too painful to admit it either way especially since I thought Joey was the one. But as maybe I was just trying to convince myself that he was because of what I thought I wanted. 

 He started to stop calling me and answer my calls. Next, he pretty much stopped texting me too. He never seemed to have any time for me and I always made excuses for him turning a blind eye to the truth. I can't count all the times I was alone at night in my apartment wondering how many more times I was going to go back to Joey. It was too easy to forgive and forget what he had done even though I never truly forgot. My case is about as hopeless as they come. 

 I'd seen him with other girls too on various occasions. He claims that they're just friends and I guess I believe him to an extent since we're in an exclusive relationship. However, he acts really suspicious when he's with them. One time I could have sworn that he had been kissing a girl right before I returned from a trip to the bathroom. I thought he would be loyal but apparently, I was wrong. 

 I waited a few months before making any sort of contact with him. I avoided him like the flu and it surprisingly felt pretty good. I hadn't realized how toxic Joey had become to me these last couple months. I really didn't want to text him, but I wanted to give him one last chance to make things right. I know that I've given him more chances than he deserves, but this time was going to be his last. I made a promise to myself that if messed up again we were going to be done for good and I tend to stay true to my word.

 "Hey," I texted Joey.

 "Hiya y/n," Joey texted back. 

 "I know it's been awhile, so would you like to call?" I asked. 

 He called me. He actually dialed my number and called me. I was so shocked that I almost forgot to answer. Immediately I accepted and held the phone to my ear. 

 "I haven't seen ya around or heard your voice lately. It's been drivin' me crazy," Joey confessed in his heavy Brooklyn accent that I absolutely adored. 

 "I know," I gasped choking back tears I didn't know I had. 

 "Can I come over ta your place or do ya wanna come over to mine?" He asked, and it made me want to just hug him right then and there. 

 "You can come over to my house," I answered knowing I would see him soon. 

 "Good. 'Cause I'm already here," Joey admitted as I heard a knock on my door. I dropped my phone and scrambled to the door.

 I flung it open to find Joey standing there with a bouquet of gorgeous roses in one hand and his cell phone in the other. He put his phone away with a smile. I leaped into his arms breathing in the faint but familiar scent that I loved. He handed me the flowers which I set on a nearby end table inside my home. What he did next shocked me beyond what I am able to express.

 "Y/n, I know that I haven't been the best boyfriend and I've kinda been a jerk. Obviously not as much as that Kaiba kid, but it was pretty close. You shouldn'ta been treated that way and I'm deeply sorry for what I did. I can't live without ya, and being without you for so long made me realize that," Joey spoke as he knelt down on one knee. 

 "Joey," I whispered as I felt warm, salty tears well up in my eyes and my hand flew in front of my mouth. 

 "Y/n will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" Joey proposed and pulled out a ring box from his dark, wrinkly jean jacket. 

 Everything clicked and now it all made sense. Joey really does love me and he'll do anything for me. I shakily told him a yes, and he slid the ring on my finger. The ring had a diamond in the middle with a tiny amber gem on each side of it which told me how much thought he had put into this. I am so glad I gave him that last chance and seeing his eyes light up when I said yes made my heart soar. I couldn't have asked for a better happy ending to my story with Joey.

 I hope that was worth the wait. I put a lot of thought into this story and it took me a few weeks to write. So I hope you enjoyed and are looking forward to more content from me.  

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