Willow (Ash Lynx reader)

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Fandom: Banana Fish
Reader-insert: Neutral
Genre: Drama
Pairing: Ash Lynx x reader
Warnings: Mentions of Death | Possible SPOILERS if you have not finished watching the anime | Read at Your Own Risk
Word Count: 735
Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

As soon as you took your seat on the plane, you felt your heart constricting in your ribcage followed by a sudden lack of air. You gasped for breath to no avail, it was as if you were unable to get oxygen inside your lungs.

You attempted to take deep breaths and steady your blood-pumping muscle that had gone into overdrive. It all was futile, whatsoever.

OUT! OUT! You needed to get out of that plane before it took off. Most of all, you needed to run to your loved one. Seeing you in such a state of utter panic, they allowed you to get off the plane.

RUN! RUN! Adrenaline took over your body, making you forget all about the bullet wound on your abdomen. Never had you run so fast in your life. You were desperate to get out of the airport.

Outside, you spotted Aslan's friends —friends of yours as well— and dashed towards them. Frantically, you begged them to take you to the library. And so they did.

Time seemed to slow down. The journey from the airport to the library felt like an odyssey. You were both excited and anxious to see Aslan again and to tell him you wanted to stay with him.

You had finally made up your mind. You were not leaving Aslan's side ever again. All that truly mattered was he and yourself. The rest was insignificant, irrelevant. Nothing else really mattered to you.

Hastily, you rushed up the stairs that led to the library, heartbeat rising in anticipation as butterflies fluttered in your stomach.

As soon as you spotted him, you stopped in place for a fraction of a second. The broadest grin crept across your beautiful face, eyes shining brightly as tears of joy threatened to roll down your cheeks.

He was resting his head on one of the large wooden tables in the library. Ignoring the unsettling feeling that invaded you, you ran towards your beloved man.

"Ash!" You whispered-yelled.

He did not reply. He did not move one inch. You shook him ever-so-gently, calling out his name once again. Nothing. You stared at the small, peaceful smile gracing his lips. He seemed to be asleep and at ease.

When you got a glimpse of the blood-stained letter that was laying under his face, a dreadful sensation overran you.

You shook him again, a little bit rough. One of his arms fell from his lap and hung limply at his side. People turned to stare at the appalling scene.

"ASLAN!" You raised your voice, tears burning at the corners of your eyes.

You pulled the chair back to check on him and you saw it. His white shirt was painted a striking crimson red colour. Shaking, you cried for help with a cracking voice.

Some people gathered around his body, others called for help. You were frozen in place, unable to tear your eyes off him. Your vision was blurry as salty droplets full of agony streamed down your face.


Around a year later, you were finally back in your hometown, digging a shallow, broad hole in your vast backyard. You had decided to plant a willow tree there, using only a small amount of Aslan's ashes to mix into the soil so as not to negatively affect its pH, in order for the tree to grow tall and strong.

A gorgeous golden necklace was clasped around your neck, its pendant was a small cremation crystal that resembled a jade. It was made from Aslan's ashes. Never once would you take it off, not even to take a shower. That was your way to, somehow, keep the promise you had made to him of not leaving his side and being with him forever.

Once you were done planting the small willow tree, you got down on your knees and contemplated it for a long while.

Gripping at your pendant, you leant forward, letting your head hang low. Mournful tears fell down to the soil as you cried in anguish and despair for the loss of your beloved Aslan Jade Callenreese.

The willow trees are one of the few trees that are capable of bending in outrageous poses without snapping. They adjust with life, rather than fighting it, surrendering to the process. And just like Aslan —who used to be a fractured young man— the tree you planted would bend but it would never break.  

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