Chapter 8: The Big Night xx

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Your POV~
I was almost done getting ready for the party when Natasha came in with a big bag of makeup.
'I need your help y/n I'm hopeless at makeup and well you're so good so can you do mine?
'Ye sure girl anytime'

She sat down and I started doing her makeup.
'Soo you and Steve huh? I asked, and then Natasha immediately started blushing.
'No we're just going as friends'
'Hmm ye friends I'll let you think that'
'What's that supposed to mean?! She said and then playfully hit me in the shoulder.
'Hey! You almost made me mess up your eyeliner!
'Sorry I'm just not sure what's going on with me and Steve'
'Want me to be completely honest? I think that he likes you too Nat'
'Really OmG aRe yoU SurE ?!
'That's what I think'

Peters POV~

I was finished getting ready and went off to Mr Stark and just like I thought, he was freaking out.

'Hey hey calm down it's ok Mr Stark'
'Thanks kid, I just hope this is the right decision'
'It is Mr Stark, it is'

Your POV~

The party was starting in less then a hour and I was starting to freak out, like what if I do something embarrassing or I mess up my words?!
It's ok I'll be fine, I'll be fine..

One hour later..

Shouted Tony, then almost immediately, I heard a knock on my door and then when I opened my door, there he was, all dressed up, and looking as cute as ever.

'These are for you' he said and handed me a bouquet of white and red roses(your favorite).

'Oh peter, they're beautiful'
'Shall we go m'lady' and he took my flowers, put them in a vase and then we walked to the cars, holding hands.

'Ok now that the last two are finally here, can we go? Asked Bucky, who was already in the car.
'Yeah lets get this party on the road! Shouted Tony.

9:37 pm
We all walked up to the party and, let's just say, it was huge.
'Jeez this place is amazing Mr Stark!' Said Peter, and he held my hand and led me into the party.

Your POV~

Everyone went their own ways while me and peter just walked around, talking and I have to admit, he was really sweet and cute.
We danced all through the night and had lots of fun.

11:30 pm

A slow song turned on and peter slid his hands down to my waist and I put his hands on his shoulders.
'You really look beautiful tonight y/n'
'And you look more handsome than ever, Parker'
'Ok that's it I'm gonna do it' said Peter, almost under his breath.
'Do what peter?

Then he leaned in and he gave me the most gentle and amazing kiss I ever had.
'Omg' I said in shock.

'y/n I always liked you. It was always you. Ever since I first stepped into the avengers building, once our eyes met, I knew that I loved you y/n.You'

'Peter I always loved you too, how could I not ? You're so sweet and handsome and if I saw another girl flirting with you,that killed me. You were always there for me, a shoulder to cry on. I thought there would never be a us. But now that there is I couldn't be happier'

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