Chapter 2

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There is nothing like the day of a concert. Waking up an hour earlier than usual, being in a good mood. It's this weird feeling of being on the edge of something life changing, something breathless.

Here I am, walking around downtown with my best friend, Rose, lemonade in one hand and the other mindlessly running through my hair, wishing I'd brought sunglasses.

"Hey want to stop in some shops and see if they have anything cute for tonight?" Rose asked.

"Sure, I've been trying to find something to match my new Converse."

"Sweet, I'll just throw our drinks out and then we can stop in Olly's," she smiles, taking my almost empty cup to a near bytrash can and bouncing back to me.

I pulled her into the indie shop, and we browsed from rack to rack, picking up pieces every so often to try on.

This is how we'd spend our Saturdays, getting lunch downtown and stopping into the shops, taking photos and laughing at everything. Then when it started to get dark we'd head home and order some Chinese delivery, watching rented movies and reruns of our favoriteshows.

After buying an outfit for tonight and a couple other things I thought looked cute, we explored farther, walking down streets we'd seen at least a hundred times before.

"Hang on, buzzing," I stopped, pulling it out of my backpack, moving under a shop awnings to see my screen clearly.


(@Calum5SOS On our way to do an interview with LA radio, cant wait for tonight)

"You know the radio station is about six blocks away right?" Rose informs me.

"Really?" My answer comes out choked. This isn't real, I might actually meet one of my favorite bands. All that's supposed to happen is I go to their concert tonight, have the time of my life and live a happy and fulfilling life, having seen them from a safe distance.

"Yep! What do you say we head over, before we go back home and get ready?"

I nod slowly, still processing her words as she links our arms and walks us down the block.

"Here, wait" I reach back and pull out my earbuds, plugging them in. Unlocking my phone, I open Safari and type in the radio's website, hitting listen live.

"Smart," she comments, taking one of the earbuds and moving us across the street.

"And coming up on LA's hottest radio station, an exclusive interview with 5 Seconds of Summer. But first, From Ed Sheeran's new album, Thinking Out Loud."

I smile, humming along to the song as we navigate through the crowded sidewalk and shopfronts. It's kind of a picturesque scene, but that might just be the dog getting to me.

"...and we found love right where we are."

I look up to see we're standing in front of the station.

"We might as well sit out here."

I nod, leaning against the brick wall, surprised there wasn't a line of fans outside that door, being held back by security. It was a common sight here and 5SOS isn't a small band by any means. Heck, they sold out a show at the Forum.

"I'm here with the boys from 5 Seconds of Summer. How are you guys doing?"

"Great," I hear Ashton reply to the interviewer, "I'm feeling on top of the world."

"That's good, and you should be, having sold out the Forum, that must feel pretty amazing."

"Yeah, we never thought in a million years we'd be playing shows this big." Calum joined in.

This wasn't one of their more interesting interviews, it wasn't even entertaining. But I took a deep breathe, knowing they were actually in the building behind me. 5 Seconds of Summer. The little band from Australia.

Before I could comprehend what was happening I heard them saying their goodbyes and thank yous.

My breath caught, and I pulled my phone back into my bag, standing up.

"You okay?" Rose chuckled, rubbing my shoulder.

"Yeah,," I searched for the right words, "This...isn't real."

That made her laugh again, however it was cut short by the sound of a door opening and closing.

"Oh my god," Rose turned around, coming face to face with Michael Clifford.

"Hey," he smiled, looking down at us.

"I'm a huge fan," she gushed, while I remained speechless next to her.

The door opened again and I remained silent as Luke walked up to us.

"So the cars a little late M-, oh um hi," he looked up to see Rose and I standing there.

I opened my mouth to say something, then closed it, probably looking like a fish.

So instead of awkwardly standing there like me, Luke made conversation, asking what my name was.

"Lyric," I let out a breathe, relaxing, "my name is Lyric."

"Wow that's really original, are you and your friend going to the concert tonight?" he asked, grinning, sounding more genuine that almost anyone I'd ever met.

"Oh! Yeah totally. My friend and I got tickets as soon as they went on sale."

"Thank you for the support."

"No problem," I laughed a little, filling the small silence.

"Can I um, have a picture with you?" I asked.

"Sure," he smiled back, taking my phone into his hand, and wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I grinned at the small screen, praying the pictures turned out decent.

"Thanks so much!" I beamed, still in shock from meeting him.

"No problem," he replied, pulling me into a short hug.

"Here's your iPhone back."

I reached my hand out to put it back into my backpack, when his fingers slipped, dropping my phone onto the concrete.

"Shit! Sorry, oh god!" He rushed to pick it up, the screen totally cracked, despite my case.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't- I- I-" he stuttered out, checks turning deep red. His finger clicked the home button, and we watched the screen as it remained black.


I stayed still, watching him run his hands through his his hair, stress covering his face.

"It's fine, I can just use my old slide out phone from high school," I tried to comfort him.

"No, no it's not," he said quietly, "you know what, I have to buy you a new one."

"You can't do that," my reply came rushed.

"There is no way I'm leaving you with a broken phone." He dug into his back pocket, pulling out a piece of lined paper and a pen. My eyebrow raised and he chuckled.

"Songwriting," he explained, pushing them into my hand, "you have a Twitter right?"

"Yeah." I replied writing down my username.

"I'll message you later so we can work this out," he took the scrap of paper and pen back, looking over my shoulder to see a dark can pulling up to the curb.

"Oh okay," I surprise myself with how calm I am. My mind is still processing, as if this is some sort of dream and I'll wake up any moment.

He opened his mouth to say something, but was cut of by Calum and Ashton walking out with what was probably a security guard.

"Sorry Luke, we've got to go."

He glanced back at me as they ushered him into the van. Then, in what seemed like seconds, he was gone.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2015 ⏰

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