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Hi everyone! I'm A-Dustland-Fairytale, but you can call me Dustland. (I might give my real name/ do a face reveal later. Would you guys like that? idk.) I like lavender aesthetics, opinions, and Wattpad, so now I'm here, writing essays.

These essays will be about controversial topics which may include (if you haven't read the description) teen suicide, lgbt+ rights, feminism, etc. If you have any topics you want me to write about, give me a suggestion! (because I am totally not at a loss for ideas what no that's crazy)

I know I'm not the best writer, so if you feel the need to give constructive criticism, you can leave a comment.  You can also leave a comment if you feel the need to disagree with anything I'm saying! Try not to be a jerk down there, okay?

At the end of each essay, there will be my resources, but I can't put in regular links to websites on Wattpad (I think). So if you want to visit those websites, just copy + paste I guess? idk.

*WARNING: SOME ESSAY TOPICS MAY BE TRIGGERING TO SOME INDIVIDUALS* The beginning of each essay will clearly state the topic, so if that is a triggering topic for you, please skip and/or let me know. I want to convey my opinions, not offend or trigger anyone. These essays are not intended to throw shade at anyone really.

Also all essays are mine and mine only. Please no plagiarism. Your English teacher doesn't want this. You don't want this as a grade. Please address your morals if you're plagiarizing from a teen on Wattpad.

So I guess that's it? Any questions? I'm looking forward to what y'all think of this!


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