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I am the youngest of seven Kaleesh brothers. My name is Irason Skossh. 

My two older brothers are dueling in the ring, using a Kaleesh sumo style that incorporates skull bashing. I am banned... not that it would have been worth my time. They won't let me in the ring because I'm stronger than them. Even when we were younger, and I was still growing, and they were further along in their Sith training, I could beat any of them more often than not. Now I'm in the height of my prime and they're at the dusk of theirs, and I have surpassed all of them in power, though not yet in rank. My oldest brother is a Darth, and the other 5 are all Lords... but they know I'm more powerful than they are, even if they won't admit it.

My fiance approaches. Hese Grur, a beautiful Kaleesh woman, strong and keen. Plus she is almost force sensitive, so our children will have the potential to surpass even me one day. My brothers are quite envious that I found her first.

It was 2 years ago that we killed her Hutt mistress on Tatooine. She was an arena fighter, and among the best. Even the Wookiees, Mandalorians, and Talz feared her brutality. I told her that she should come with us to Korriban, and she said that she'd lose a duel before she traded one master for another. Of course I won, but I told her she would be a slave no longer. I arranged to have her tracking chip and poison capsule removed by the droids, and she's been with me ever since.

I comment to her, "They're holding back of course. As Sith, they can amplify their strength to hit with great power. This is a pale imitation of what their brawl should truly look like. The ground itself would crumble under their feet!"

She stands pensive and requests, "Let's go for a walk... I have something I wish to discuss in private."

While we walk on the red sand of Kalee, Hese stops and tells me, "I think we should break our engagement."

I say in shock, "What? Why would you say such a thing?"

Hese explains, "I will always respect you as a warrior, and always be grateful for you freeing me from slavery, but I don't think I could live with myself as your wife. The cruelty of the Sith is legendary... and you... you and your brothers are as savage as any of them."

I swipe my arm, and she catches it. This was my intention, as I am so much stronger than her that my hand continues without slowing down, grabbing her by the neck and lifting her up.

I tell her, "I would not say such things if I were you... the Sith way is the only way. The Dark side is the ultimate power to securing one's future. Our children's futures... unlike the foolish Jedi, who sacrifice their lives and ignore their families to protect the lives of weak strangers. My glory is our glory. Everything I do is to secure our future... never forget that!"

She loses consciousness from lack of air, and I drop her onto the sand. I pick her up and carry her back to our home. My oldest brother, Darth Sonil, asks "What happened to Hese? Why are you carrying her body?"

I tell him, "Nothing. Pay it no mind." He accepts this.

I set her in our bed and go out to hunt for our dinner.

When I return, she has woken up and insists, "I haven't changed my mind. Maybe to you, the Sith are about securing the future... but to most of the galaxy, the ugly face of the Dark Side is one of unbridled hatred, anger, and wanton destruction. I'm leaving you. Maybe one day, you'll realize it. When that day comes, you'll find me at your mother's plantation, working as a ranch hand."

I say nothing. I am unable to put into words my outrage at her betrayal.

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