Chapter 2 : The Infuriated Kwangsoo

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Everyone had arrived at the restaurant. They all searched for the ticket for breakfast. There were some who searched at the bar section, some at the food stands, and even at the kitchen. Some were just scanning the whole floor, looking for the coupon in the open.


"The place's huge. Do you expect us to find small tickets in this place?" Cheerin muttered. She wasn't joking about the size of it . The room was humongous and welcoming. Just like every other hotels, the wodden dinning tables were arranged neatly and beautifully, complete with some eating utensils . Nevertheless, the variety selection of food was classic, but looked appetizing. Ordinary breakfast were served in different sections, branched from its group of meal, from the classic bacon-and-eggs to bowls of cereal. Despite of how "ordinary" the food looked or was, the aromas were just hard to resist. It hit you directly as you approached the restaurant, enough to cause people drooling.

"I need that big plate, no matter what."

The basketball player searched endlessly from wall to wall, looking at every cranny possible. No ticket. Not giving up, she abandon the wall and started searching at the furnitures. So far, she had found nothing, until she discovered wall lamps. Of course! Why didn't I think of that. With what hope she had left, she hurried her way from lamp to lamp. As she go through her fourth lamp, she noticed a slight piece of paper peaking from the lamp's creak. That should be the ticket. She took it out, and screamed internally out of joy.

"FOUND ONE!!" Cheerin exclaimed softly to the camera while showing her ticket. It was just like any other ordinary ticket, except for the big "R" logo printed on it.

Now, drawing attention was the last thing she needed.

With no time to spare, she quickly glimpsed left and right, making sure that the coast was clear. Or at least clear enough for her to make a break for the meeting point.

Coast was clear. Still doubting, she walked casually as if nothing happened ---in this case, as if nothing was found--- up till she could see Cho PD, sitting patiently at the designated location.

The athlete ran as fast as she could as if her life was on the line. But then walked again, convincing herself that she was safe. Girl, I'm a few steps from the place. What could possibly gone wrong? And so, she slowed down and continued her slow-paced walk.

And that was a huge mistake.

Right when she was about 5 tables left from being victorious, there were sound of fast-paced footsteps, getting louder and louder towards her. Cheerin glanced behind apprehensively. Troubled by what's behind her, she instantaneously really made a run for it as she yelled in distress. "OPPA!! Hajimaa!"


On the other side, Kwangsoo was doing what others have been doing. "In the morning, where people mostly eat breakfast peacefully, and here I am, searching for a coupon to eat one," he laughed at his irony situation. As an artist ---well technically he was--- he expected to have a fancy breakfast. Or at least, normal breakfast, like what they used to do on running man back then, but I guess that day was an exception.

The so-called-giraffe stared at the foods displayed from a distant. It was clear that he was really hungry from him gulping his saliva. Sighing deeply, he continued his quest for the ticket, feeling unmotivated

The tall actor hunted from dinning tables to the other for a brief while until he saw someone walking deliberately to what it seems to be the meeting point. Did she found one already. And so, he examined a little further her steps and pursued the mysterious figure.

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