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[C]Woojin's POV

Today is the college exam and super nervous.Even tho I pass of my exams am still nervous.I walked into my first class which was Math my fav class.I took my seat and was greeted by my friends Jisung,Minhoe and Felix.
"hyung!" Felix said smiling wide "Hy Lix! Ready for the exam?" I said as I took out my notebook which had chicken stickers on it.
Don't judge me please
"WE HAVE A TEST?" Felix shouts out loud am pretty sure the whole school heard him. "Yes we do damm ass" Minhoe said "and we told u to study for it" he added hitting Felix's shoulder "Ow I was busy this weekend with.." he pause "something" "something like fucking!" Jisung said as he jumps off Minhoe's arms. "Noo" by this time we knew he was hiding something from us. While they were auguring I tried to study for my exam but the professor walked into the room. "Morning you guys have ur exam to take so take all ur stuff off the table expect a pencil and calculator" I look at Felix and smiled "you will do good don't worry Lix!" I said trying to cheer him up.
[cB] after the test

"Hyung cook for us today pleaseeeeee" Jisung said when we got to my locker. "Why don't you guys for me for once?" "I did! I cooked Kimchi for u TWICE" Minhoe said. "I want chicken pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee" Felix came in giving me puppy eyes.He was sooo darn cute I couldnt say no.I mean how can I look at him.
"Fine I will cook for you but clean after urself Ok" I said as I got my jacket from the locker.Why jacket you ask? Cuz my next class is cold in there.
"We promise we will hyung" Felix hugged me tight "ok".As we were walking I bumped into someone soo hard.I hit my butt hard it hurt. I hear My friends gasp and I look up. He was so pale like vampire but his skin looked so soft like my lil bear At home. His blond hair and pink lips damn this guy looked sooo handsome.He was perfect.

Sorry if this is short but I hope u guys like it
And this is my first story so am sorry if am bad it

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