The Train

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I freeze, not sure if I heard her right. I stare blankly at the stage, praying I heard wrong, but the crowd splits around me, creating a straight path from me to the edge of the rope enclosure, where a pair of Peacekeepers waits to escort me up. I step forward. I can hear the murmuring in the crowd and I keep going forward, stepping over the rope and letting myself be ushered up the stairs onto the Justice Building portico. When I take the stage I can do nothing but stare, everything in a fuzzy, shaky surreal world.

            “Callista?” Alsae says, offering me a pinkish-mauve smile. I nod slowly. “Congratulations! Now let’s learn your District partner’s name, shall we?” she asks, and I can do nothing but stare off into the distance. The rolling hills spread out so far before me, covered in grain fields. And then to my left, the woods bordering the Tear. Alsae reaches into the other bowl and draws a name.

            “Spens Combe?” she calls. I am startled and find Spens in the crowd. He looks up at me and stares at Alsae in shock. I hear three screams from the back of the crowd, where I know his sisters must be clutching each other, terrified. Spens straightens up and walks forward, not needing the Peacekeepers to escort him up. He walks bravely in front of them, keeping his head high.

            Spens takes the stage and Alsae holds the microphone up to him as well. “Spens?” she says, her teeth practically twinkling in the sun. “

            “Yes.” He says solidly, keeping his eyes locked on his mother, who I spot caressing his sisters in the back of the crowd.

            “Congratulations to our tributes- Callista Archio and Spens Combe!” Alsae declares enthusiastically into the microphone. A few souls clap half-heartedly, most of them just shift uncomfortably on their feet. “Shake.” Alsae murmurs to us and Spens extends his hand. I shake it. We don’t know each other very well- despite us both being Tear kids and having to support our families. I look into his eyes and see how determined he is. The Peacekeepers lead us into the Justice Building, up to the second floor, and then into separate rooms where we will greet our loved ones. The first to come in is my mother.

            “Callista,” she whispers, stroking my hair when I run into her arms. “I love you.” She tells me, tears spilling from her eyes and into my hair. “Be strong for me. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water. Matthew will support me. I’ll keep up with the laundry. I promise, everything will be all right.”

            “No,” I sob into her dress. “I’ll come home, mama, I’ll do everything I can to come home to you. I swear, mama, I won’t go down without a fight!” I am almost screaming now.

            “I know you won’t…” she whispers. I stay clinging to her, sobbing uncontrollably into her dress, but detach myself when the Peacekeepers come to take her away.

            “I love you!” I scream as they take her out.

            “I love you too!” she cries, stretching out her hand before the door slams. I sit down dejectedly on the couch, not even bothering to enjoy the softness of the cushion. The door creaks open and Matthew comes in.

            “Lissie…” he says and I run over to him. He picks me up like he used to and hugs me tight. “I’m so sorry.” I’m sobbing and I can hear the sorrow in his voice.

            “Matthew, you can’t let mom starve.” I sob. “You have to take care of her. You NEED to be there for her. I know that since dad died, you two haven’t spoken, but you need to be strong for her now.” I hold back the tears and gasp after this. I know that he must take care of my mother. “You have to!” I scream at him, breaking away from his hug and grabbing his shoulders.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2012 ⏰

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