Part 1 ( unedited )

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"Beep,Beep, Beep" "Shut the fuck up, alarm." I said. " Get up" my bestfriend Andy yelled at me. I got up and my on my " disguise " which was a horrible wig, fake braces, and bulky glasses. I grabbed a big sweatshirt and some sweatpants and threw them on. " looking as nerdy as ever." Andy said as I munched on an apple. " I try." We walked out to my cars. My my beautiful red Volvo sat there untouched. " don't worry I'll use you after school." I whispered to my car. " geez Riles you love your cars." I rolled my eyes at that. We hoped into my horrible mini van. As we walked into school I bumped into Ashley Lea ( AKA Captain Slut ) " Watch were you're going, nerd. " she screeched. " Sorry " I said in a fake shy voice. " You should be. " she screamed.  The bell ringed and her " boyfriend" James showed up and pushed my book out of my hand. " Don't want to be late, nerd." he said. I picked up my books and ran as fast as I could to class. I opened the door and Mr.Smith said, " Riley you are late for class. Since this is your first time being late I will let it pass." As I scurried to my seat I heated thing like , " nerd", " teachers pet" and surprisingly , " slut", and " whore." Right as I was about to sit down someone ( AKA James)  tripped me.


                 Skip to lunch time

" Hey." Andy said as I sat down. " Sup!" I said. " What got you so happy?" "Well is you most now my mom got us a fashion shoot tomorrow and on Saturday we have an interview!!!!" I exclaimed. " With who?" she asked. " Ellen."  The bell rong and we split. After school Andy came and said, " Got a photo shoot can you drop me off there? " " Sure." After I dropped her off I drove home. " Mom!! Where are you." " Here." she yelled. " Honey some friends are coming over to work out a business plan so please wear something nice."  " when are they going to be over?" " In an hour so you better hurry up." I ran up stairs and hopped into the shower and put my strawberry shampoo and strawberry body wash on. After I got out I got a sexy dress and put it on. I put on some natural makeup and headed down the stairs. I looked at the door and who I saw is the person I hated the most. James Williams.


Sorry I didn't have much time to do this and do not blame me for the punctuation marks I'm not that good at writing this is my first stories  member please comment and like!!

~ Elephant0032

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