Ch. 12 I Hate You

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Astrids POV

"No, Nathan! You have to do it!", I yell.

He sighs. "But I don't wanna!".

I glare at him until he breaks.


"Look", I tell him as we walk into the store, "All you have to do is walk up to the cashier guy, and ask him where the tampons are".

I chuckle as he agrees and slowly walks up to the cash register.

"Hi! Can I help you?".

Nathan looks at his hands and quietly says, "Uhm, yes... I uh, need to find the, uh, tampons...".

The cashier gives him a confused look.

I can't help but bust out laughing.

Nathan turns around and shoots me a glare, one that says "I hate you!".

I give him a thumbs up as the cashier awkwardly walks him to the feminine product isle.

"Uh, here it is", the guy wearily says.

"Yea, thanks", Nathan says quietly.

I walk over to him and pat him on the back.

"Good job, dude".

"Fuck you".


After we went to the store, we head back to the hotel.

I already know what's going to happen when we get there.

Destery would want to talk about last night, but I don't want to.

It's over with, so why keep worry about it.

I guess he has the right to know...

Nathan sticks the key in the door until he can open it. Once we get in I just see Char and Destery talking.

It better not be about me....

"Hey bitches!", Nathan yells.

"Hey", they both say.

I lay down on the couch.

"Oh my god, you guys are not gonna believe what I made Nathan do!".

"Uhg don't talk about it!", Nathan says, putting his hand in his face.

I chuckle and tell everyone the story.

I made Destery cry. Wouldn't blame him.

It was fucking hilarious.

"Hey", Destery says standing up, "Can we talk?".


"Uh, yeah."

He walks me to the balcony and closes the door.

There was a nice breeze outside which calmed me down a bit.

"So, what's up?", I ask casually, already knowing the answer.

He looks at me with those rich brown eyes.

"Were you ever going to tell me about your parents?".

I was a little shocked. He just jumped right in to the question.

I look at my hands, which were getting a little sweaty.

"Uh", I choke out, "Not, really. I mean-"

"Why?!", he cuts me off, "I could've helped you! I know it's hard for you but, didn't give me a chance!".

"It's not something I wanna tell everyone, Destery!", I practically yell, "It was my choice on whether to tell you or not, not yours!".

He huffs, "Look, I know that. I just wished you trusted me more. Char said that-"

"Wait, wait. So you tried to get your information out of my best friend?! Destery, you're acting like such a douche about this!".

He furrows his eyebrows together.

"Me!?", he shouts, "I wanted to help you! But you're making it so god damn difficult!".

"Well I'm sorry I'm not acting the way you want me to about the death of my parents!".

" that's not what I meant", he says a little quieter.

"You know what!", I yell, ignoring what he said, "I don't need this, okay?".

I walk to the door that leads back into the room, when Destery grabs my hand.

"Astrid, wait! Look I just want to talk-".

"No! Just fuck off!", I yell at him, pulling my arm away, "I hate you!".

I storm into the room, slamming the door behind me.

"Astrid, what's going on?!", I hear Char say.

"Yeah, we heard you guys yelling", Nathan says.

I don't say anything, just grab my car keys and walk out of the room.

I don't know what to think right now.

Why was Destery acting like this? It was my choice to tell him.

If it wasn't for that stupid nightmare he wouldn't even know about it.

And he went to talk to Char about it? That just made me furious. He just wanted to get all the juicy details about my loss before talking to me?

I couldn't believe him.

I open the door to my car and got in. I turn it on and quickly drive away.

I wasn't sure was I was going, but I had to get away from there.

Away from him....


Desterys POV

What the fuck did I just do.

I was replaying everything that just happened in my head over and over again.

Every word.

Every heart crushing word.

She hated me. I made her hate me.

How did this happen?

I wall back inside and sit down on the bed.

Char walks over to me and sits down.

"I...what happened?", she quietly says.

I sigh and look at the floor.

"I don't know", I whisper.

"Yo, man, you fucked up", Nathan says, "Girls are all sensitive and if you pull shit like that they'll take it pretty hard. Especially with what she went through".

I nod.

"I guess I was a little harsh", I say, "It's just, I wanted her to know it was okay to talk to me!".

Char looks at me and says, "I know, but maybe it just came out wrong".

I sigh. "Yeah. She said she hated me though. Hated me! How am I supposed to fix that?".

I look at Nathan who has a sad face, something he rarely has.

He doesn't say anything. I look to Char who is looking at the ground.

"Just....", she says, "Just wait for her to come back. If you just let her come back to you and let her talk to you, then things might work".

I feel my stomach clench up.



Ahh no! They got in a fight!! Will things still work out?? :3 comment if u want more! <3 bye!

Just A Fangirl? (A Destery Smith Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt