Val's V card

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                 As Valerie Waston picked at her soggy cafeteria pizza, she tried to take her thoughts anywhere other than to the conversation the other girls at the table were having. Talking about how good a guy is with their hands, mouth, or any other part of their body is something she tried to tune out, especially when the guys they are referring to are her long time best friends and next door neighbors.

Jax, Liam, and Val have been friends since any of them could really remember. The boys used to be best friends with Val's brother Tim till he lost the battle with cancer when Val was in 8th grade. Tim never left his little sister out of his plans, they were close, so, his best friends were quick to be her best friends too.

When Tim passed away Jax and Liam started to take Val under their wings, and helped her deal with the loss that devastated her, and them as well. The three were always close, but after Tim's passing they became inseparable. They spent their weekends taking turns spending the night at each other's house, attended school dances and functions as a trio, and they even all worked at the same mechanic shop. The only time they separated was at school. The boys sit with their team mates at lunch, Val sits with her team mates. Her being a Freshman and the boys Juniors, and all of them majoring in something different, they never had any classes together.

Val glanced over to the table her best friends were at. Dead center of the cafeteria, at the only table big enough to hold an entire soccer team, sat Jackson Masters the dark and handsome one that all the girls deemed as the "bad boy", and Liam Denver the "nice guy", both guys considered the popular jocks and co-captains of the soccer and swim teams, both highly esteemed figures in their Fraternity. She watched the most popular guys at the university laugh and joke around as she regretted not sitting there instead of with her soccer team. She silently told herself that she would bail on these girls if they got too graphic. Being the youngest on the Varsity had already made her feel out of place, add in hearing about her teammates romp in the sheets with guys she grew up with didn't help. If only they knew what she did. Val smirked to herself thinking about the pictures she had on her bedroom wall back home, ones that would surely change they guys popularity.

"So Jax called me Saturday and we met up at the park by his house. We started fooling around a bit in the front seat of his Jeep and I ended up riding him in the back seat of it. It was, I mean, I just. . . I know he is going to call me back. He said he liked my stamina!!" Natalie, a defender on the girls soccer team, said while flipping her bottle blonde hair over her shoulder with her contact blue eyes sparkling.

Val rolled her eyes not caring if Natalie saw, but held her tongue. She knew Jax would not be calling the girl back. She thought about Jax for a moment. Jax could be one of the angry looking, sexy, Hollister models. Tall, dark, brooding, and all muscles. That is the only similarity between Jax and his best guy friend Liam. Jackson gets his many women by showing off and making the girls feel small and unwanted, he has no problem letting people think him as the "bad boy". He waits for them to run to him and into his bed for his acceptance. He gets his the way he likes, the girls just tend to like it a lot as well. He has no shame in kicking a girl out when he is done with them, and since they have the privilege of saying Jax had wanted them, even if for a moment, they do not complain, they hope for seconds. Val would be disgusted, but he is up front with the girls, and she knows the real him. The guy who plays sappy songs for fun on his guitar, and who volunteers at the pet shelter back home whenever he has time. He is the funny loud character of the group, and Val understood why so many girls flock to get used by him, but she longed to see a women walk into his life and knock him on his butt, straighten him out. That someone was not going to be Natalie.

Even though Natalie is her teammate and an acquaintance, Val keeps her mouth shut and decided not to burst her bubble, if she wants to think she can change the bad boy and get him to call again? Let her think that.

The V card  (Changed a bit)Where stories live. Discover now