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I'm so sorry that I didn't update. I had a school dance and couldn't write this. Also I'm going to Georgia for a week so I won't be updating this for a while. So here's an extra long chapter.
Gajeel POV:
I couldn't believe I was going back to that junk yard. Bad memories filled that place. The last time I was there was when Makarov had asked me to join Fairy Tail. I didn't want to think about when I was in Fantom Lord. I walked closer to the scraps of metal searching for something. Although I didn't know what. "Help me." I heard someone or something say. "Um hello." I yelled hoping not to get an answer. "Help me." That's when I saw it. A price of metal taller than me with what looked like an indent of a girl. She was short and her eyes stared on. "Help me please." Her lips moved. But how she was in the metal. "Alright stupid voice that brought me here. What do I do?!" I yelled turning in a circle. "Get her out. You must kiss her." The voice said. "Wait I have to k-kiss her." I asked my face heating. The mark on my arm felt like it was on fire. No answer, it was silent. "Alright then here goes nothing." I walked over to the scrap. From what I could see she was very pretty. I climes up close to her and leaned in.

Jellal POV:
"She's what?" I asked. "She's cursed there's only one way to get her out." I looked up at her. Her scarlet hair looked like it was flowing within the crystal. "What is it?" I asked turning back to the man. "Well a boy with the Fairy Tail mark has to kiss her. But we've never seen anyone with that well I have to get back to work." The man said. I looked across the room, a stool was propped up against another exhibit. Running over to it I could feel the mark on my back heat up. I propped the stool up against the crystal and climbed up. I looked into her eyes and leaned in. Our lips touched and my mark felt cold suddenly. I backed away, nothing happened. "Hey voice why isn't anything happening." No answer. Then suddenly I was thrown off the stool with an explosion. I hit the wall with my head, everything was fuzzy. And then all black.

Wendy POV:
"Wait you can't be serious." My face was on fire. Who did she think she was? We had just met and we had to kiss? "I am." She spoke so sweetly. "Wendy?" I looked across the room. Carla was on another bed sitting up. "I'm here Carla. I've got to tell you something." I filled Carla in on what me and Chelia were talking about. She shook her head and put her hands on her hip like she always did when she didn't approve. "You can't Wendy you don't know if she's telling the truth or not." Carla said eying Chelia. "She looks nice I'm going to help her." I walked over to Chelia. "Alright here goes nothing. I'll help you." Chelia's face lit up and then a blush appeared on her face. I felt a blush on mine as well. She grabbed my waist and pulled me close. "You won't regret this." She whispered in my ear. And than she closed the gap.

It felt wonderful.

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