Chapter 4: The Yogscast

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Chapter 4: The Yogscast

I got out of the car – following them – and looked up to see the building where I was going to work in. It was at least 5 storeys high, with some seagulls perched on the roof tops. I don’t know how I spotted those evil birds; maybe these contacts weren’t that bad after all. Then, I heard Alex call my name from the front door.

“Oh, sorry.” I apologised: keeping my tone of voice. I walked over to them and closed the door behind. Looking around, there was a desk on the other side of the room; a staircase leading up to the other floors and an elevator beside it. The three gestured me into the lift and I accepted. With a glint of my eye (with the help of these actual awesome contacts), I saw Ross press the correct floor. This meant I knew which floor I needed to go whenever I’ll be going to work without anyone in Hatfilms. Also, I don’t have to stumble into trouble by bombarding anyone’s recording because I didn’t know where the hell I was.

The doors opened finally, and we sauntered through the familiar double doors with porthole windows and entered a very familiar corridor. I might have seen it during my Yogscast session with Hazel and Aria: which was where we looked at the Yogscast and wiki and I study the information I needed.

The whole corridor had 6 doors leading to the other rooms, plus a pair of double doors at the end of the corridor. Above each door was a red alarm; some were on and some were off. Trott explained then that if the red alarms were on, meant they are recording. I understood and followed them at the end of the corridor and up another staircase leading to the other floor above us. A set of another double door led into another narrow corridor; the difference was there were only 4 doors leading to rooms – plus the one leading to staircases.

I quietly followed until the three of us reach the last door on the right. Behind the doors were echoes of laughter and people talking. Smith knocked at a cliché amount of times and we all walked in: with me at the back hiding.

And you can say meeting the Yogscast was quite weird... but not ‘weird weird’ but a ‘you don’t see this normally in an office environment weird’. All of them were relaxing and having a laugh. Some were sat on the massive sofa beside the window, about 3 people were using the numerous spin chairs around the room and just the 4 of us were standing awkwardly at the door. My eyes dart at each familiar face: which I knew their names.

“So, we got the new editor guys,” Smith spoke and gestured me. I give them a little hey quietly and the others come up to me and wave.

“You must be Marcus Rees.” One of the men – Lewis presumably – went up and shook my right hand.

“Yes sir,” I try to be formal but all I get was a little chuckle from behind him.

Lewis kindly said, “Just call me Lewis. And don’t worry about them: our newest staffs always say ‘sir’ to me at first.” I smile; quite embarrassed, but ignored it. Stephanie: you’re a boy, boys don’t blush easily.

Next was Pippa, who started joking about his brother. She spoke, “Excuse my older; grumpy brother.” She eyes back to a glaring Lewis. “My name’s Pippa.” I smile on and everyone then introduced themselves. One of the girls: Lola I believe: muttered something before a second later: Sjin introduced himself to me.

“I’m Lola,” She waved – looking at me with a mix feeling of emotion. Her face fell down and focused more on her laptop that she had on her on lap; her red hair draping over her face.


After the get-together, all of us went back to recording for the rest of the afternoon. The trio directed me back to their room (which was now our room since I’m editing their videos now) and Trott started explaining the key facts on their style of editing.

Firstly: is there even such a thing as ‘style of editing’?

Secondly: this was complicated than I thought it would be.

Half of what Trott said was a bit confusing, but I try and not make them panicked. After 20 minutes of Trott repeating it inside my head, he sent me files of videos they had recorded a few days ago as a practice go; get use to the software and desktop they had brought into their room.  Their room was actually the common room before: a fact from Hazel and Aria. And now since the Yogscast had new members coming in, they had to buy another floor above in the building. And now: most of the floors are owned by them.

“After you’ve finished,” Trott finally said. “Maybe Lewis won’t mind if you can explore the building a bit.” I give him a thanks and the room goes on ‘focus mode’ for at least 4 hours. The boys were laughing and shouting at their own headsets; while I was literally trying not to act so sassed up at them for distracting me. But I had to admit: they were pretty bunch of crazy men playing SHATBlocks with Sips (and yes: I know this from Hazel and Aria).

There was some funny moments - in the videos I edited: which I smiled at most. Mostly it was because of Sips making jokes and such. After editing, I decided to explore a bit around the building. Before I did so, I sent the videos to Trott: who signed a thumbs’ up at me while they were playing GTA5. Exiting the room, I calmly walked across the corridor and peeked through each door. Hannah: who had the room full of owls, was recording with Nilesy maybe; or another Walking Dead.

Next I saw Sjin: who waved at me, so I did the same but the same ‘manly style as him’.

I don’t know?! Is a ‘manly wave’ a style of waving?!

Anyways, I let him be and I walked out of the corridor and up the set of stairs leading to the previous corridor we walked through. There weren’t many red alarms on since most of them were either editing rooms or the admin room. Walking casually, I was a bit stupid and weren’t looking at where I was. Then, hot sticky liquid spilled onto my hoodie as I contacted at whom seemed to be shorter than me. I hissed at the burn but I tried not to squeal.

“Oh my god I am so sorry!” The woman who was carrying 4 cups of hot coffee cried. “I’m such a clumsy person.” She tried to grab and tissue and dab the stains but I complete reassured her.

“No uh... worries.” I coughed to change my tonal voice. “I wasn’t looking either.” Looking down, I saw her pick up the spilled up coffee cups and placed it back to her holder she was carrying. She kept muttering things as she did so.

When she stood up, I said to her. “Hey, don’t worry about it.” A smile formed onto me and she clearly smiled back.  To be a gentleman, I grabbed a cloth I had that I use for my glasses and started cleaning the floor from any danger.

She said, “Thanks...”

“Marcus,” I said and I gave her my hand for a greeting. She gladly took it and I guess we were at least acquaintances.

“Anya,” She spoke while putting a strand of blonde hair back behind her ear. “Anyways, no worries about the accident: I’ll ask the janitor to clean it up when everyone’s gone.”

“Sure,” I plainly said; trying not to be awkward. We said our ‘see you laters’ and I again went back to exploring. And I swear... I saw her blush.

Oh glob...

A/N: So now Stephanie has met the members of the Yogscast, plus my two characters: Pippa Brindley and Lola Hollows. They're only mentioned in this book once: which means this chapter. But they'll be having their own books. But what about Stephanie and her encounter with Anya? Does Minty already have feelings? What will Marcus react when her sister tell her?

Hope you guys enjoyed :) SierraOwls

The Editor • Hatfilms Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now