(i) saturday detention™

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( m a x p o v )

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( m a x p o v )

I ROLLED MY EYES AS I ENTERED my dad's car. Summer started yesterday and im going to saturday detention how great! Me and jane were caught smoking cigs in the girls locker room and then Betty Ripsom walked on in us. We told her not to tell anyone but since shes the teacher's pet that bitch went to tell Mrs Brown and here am I seating shotgun heading to school for detention just one day after summer started. Way to go Max!

" promise me you wont smoke again?" My dad asked for the 1000th time since yesterday. "Yess dad i proomisse now can i go?" I said annoyed ready to dash out of the car. "Yes" my dad sighed as he stop the car fully. I said a soft bye and jogged to the school where Jane was.

"Hopper was annoying as fucck" My best friend said while smashing her used cigarette to the ground. "My dad was too" i shrugged. We walked to the detention room, i groan at the sight of Micheal Wheeler also known as every girls dream. I gagged at the thought other girls thinks his hot but i think his a complete douche, Jane to despise him shes lesbian anyways.

"Well hello Maxine" the annoying brunette smirked at me. "Fuck off" i spat furiously at him. I walked to a random sit with Jane when i walked past Will Byers? I thought he was goody goody and i thought wrong. "Hey Byers what the hell did you do?" I asked truely curious. "Got into a fight with Troy...he ended up having to stitch" he shrugged. "Nice bro" i fist bump him, honestly Troy deserved it hes a piece of complete shit.

I sat next to Jane at the back of the room. A fimilar dark skinned boy with a really curly haired boy entered the room chit chatting away.

Dustin and Lucas.

Well i hope thats all the people. We sat in silence me giving glares at Mike who is staring at me and him giving me smirks in return. After few minutes of tragic silence we heard sounds of shoes walking to the class with rhythm


Must be Mr Smith the principal.

"Well must be the 6 mischievous children" he came in hands at the back with his infamous green sequel sweater and dark brown pants, his blonde hair slicked to the back. Its summer god sakes not Christmas. I heard mike laughing at his seat. I caught Mr i-like -christmas-sweater-so-much giving a glare at him. I guess they created a hatery towards each other. Mike used to date his daughther Mackenzie Smith. Popular, cheer lead, slut style bitch. Pretty cliché. I hated her anyways always treating people like her maids.

But anyways wheeler and Smith used to be power couple until their relationship was really fucking open. Mckenzie fucking other guys and Mike kissing other girls. Never worked but Mr Smith despise him anyways hes always in detention.

"Well Mike how mighty of you to set of the fire alarm!" He said sarcastically. Wait he did that? Mike turned quiet and rolled his eyes slumping back on his chair." Ah the duos at graffiti the teachers lounge walls" he said directly towards Dustin and Lucas. He went on exposing jane and me which caused mike to laugh and i flipped him of.

"Well you all know what is detention today would be two hours. Two hours of reflecting" he said strictly before walking back to his office leaving us with two hours of nothing. I sighed.

Before anything could happen Mike stand on his table dancing and humming to mama mia by ABBA.
"Get down mike its fucking annoying" Jane said rolling her eyes. "Come on m'lady join me" he said giving me a hand. "Yeah no" i said smacking his hand away. "You know you loved me Mayfield" he smirked. Again. "Stop being an ass Micheal" i rolled my eyes.

What the hell am i going to so for 2 goddamn hours.

I groan. In the corner of my eyes i saw Dustin taking out some papers? "Hey dusty whatcha doing?" I said casually while walking to his desk. "Im doing some serious investigations" he said sarcastically but half of him was serious. I heard Mike's humming come to and end and heard his feet on the floor. "What investigations?" He asked as he approached next to me. Jane, Will and Lucas surrounded his table which was filed papers.

" hawkins bloody summer....every parents nightmare for their kids since 5 years ago.." he said in a deep creepy ass voice obvious he was mocking it. I could hear mike laughing from beside me but i just got chills. "Bro no joke at 10-15 kids go missing every summer and their bodies would be found the week later..... you know Charlie Aston? The kid in 5th grade last year? The cops found his goddamn head stuck on a tree up hawkins park after the week he went missing" everyone turned quiet and frightened even mike.

"I heard my dad is working on this case of a girl named Margo Peyton she went missing like three days ago.." Jane said quietly i can already predict her father is gonna work like a bitch this summer. "Well damb we have to do something!" Lucas exclaimed. "Thats the police job dumbfuck" will rolled his eyes. "I mean i actually wanna find out..thats why im doing this" Dustin admitted.

"I dare all of us to work as a team to do this shit" Lucas said. "What!no" will said. "Im not doing this" Jane and Mike said in unison while i stand there quiet processing all the shit in my brain. "Yall are pussies" Lucas throw his hands in the air. "Im i..in" i said hesitantly i mean i have no shit to do this summer so why not? "Come on guys its not bad" Dustin exclaim.

"You guys are fucking idiots" Jane said. She took a shaky breath. "Fine im in but if my dad finds out im dead" she said giving in. Mike and Will finally agreed to this.

This summer is gonna be full of shit.

Love how my hands hurt 💞😋

This is kinda inspired by the break fast club so yeet


Kk bye

To lazy to edit so ignore grammatical errors bye bush 👋

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