This Is Who We Are (Revolver Ocelot x F! Reader)

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You woke up softly with the delicate rising of the sun; you gently turned your head and looked at the sleeping man beside you. He looked so peaceful in this moment and you resisted the urge to gently run your fingers along his jawline because waking him up from his peaceful slumber would surely be a crime. Over the months since you had met and been with Ocelot he had opened up to you a great deal; he still maintained his own secrets over the work he did before the Diamond Dogs. Still, you knew that speaking of his past was difficult for him and it warmed your heart to know that he trusted you enough to open up. His life had been far from easy and in time you began to understand why he had the tendency to be cold and abrasive. You were slightly scared to admit that your feelings for Ocelot had deepened and you worried that he might not feel the same.

It was a little strange to wake up in your own quarters with Ocelot by your side; it wasn't as if you two hadn't shared a bed before. However, the two of you normally stayed in Ocelot's quarters but somehow you had been able to convince him to share your bed instead of his last night. You were still letting your eyes roam over his sleeping form, laid bare and tangled in the sheets when his gruff voice spoke up, "Didn't your mother ever teach you that it's rude to stare?"

You gave a breathy chuckle, "How did you... Your eyes weren't even open! How did you even know that I was looking at you? Or that I was awake?"

He opened his grey eyes and looked at you with a newfound affection; the arm that was protectively wrapped around your waist tightened its grip before pulling you on top of his chest. You kissed him gently before resting your chin on his chest looking up at him expectantly, his gravelly voice spoke up again, "Your breathing changed and then I practically felt your eyes on me... It was a little weird."

You pouted before moving to get off of his chest, "It is not weird... it's romantic! And hey, you were the one that was pretending to be asleep." As you tried to move away Ocelot tightened his hold and rolled over pinning your body to the mattress with his own before nestling his face into your hair. You groaned, "Ocelot, I need to get to work and I can't do that if you keep me in bed all day."

His voice was slightly muffled, "I can certainly try... your team can survive without you for a little while."

You smiled faintly but tried to sound serious, "Adamska, you know I can't stay here all day... as much as I may want to." He hummed lowly when you said his name but he refused to let you go. A sudden idea popped into your head and you smiled mischievously, you turned your head lightly whispering in his ear, "Do you know what the best part of having your own quarters near the Med Bay is?" He gave another low questioning hum and you continued, "We have our own personal showers. Total privacy with no need to share unless of course we want to share them..."

The effect of your words was immediate and in quick succession Ocelot was out of bed with you thrown over his shoulder; heading straight toward your private bathroom. Something told you that you were indeed going to be late but perhaps Ocelot was right; your team could survive without you for a little while.

It was at least an hour before you and Ocelot emerged from your quarters; both looking presentable and ready for the day ahead of you. Before you turned to walk away toward your lab you reached up to wrap your arms around Ocelot's neck pulling him down for a sweet kiss. He responded with more fervor than you had anticipated, arms gripping your waist tightly before pinning you to the wall with his own body. You were quite used to his tendency to display dominance in your more heated moments of passion and a part of you welcomed it. Ocelot gave off a naturally abrasive and cold demeanor but at the same time he held an affectionate side that you knew he wasn't used to expressing. It made your heart ache knowing that he was unaccustomed to giving and receiving affection but you were determined to change that.

This Is Who We Are (Revolver Ocelot x F! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now