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Umiko P.O.V~(age 9)


I ran around the hallways of the royal kingdom of Megalos, searching for my mother and father. I made it to the very large doors that I'm very familiar of.

I struggle to push the huge door. A guard randomly came out of nowhere and helped me.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed happily as I ran into the room. I stand before a large room.

It had a very long and large table in the middle of it all. Papers and books were stacked all over and some on the floor. Marble sculptures were displayed beautifully in the corners of the room.

A woman with long black hair and blue eyes that matched mine was sitting down by a man who stands, reading his papers from his hand.

He sighs as he comb back his short light blue hair. He seems tired as he rubbed his heavy brown eyes.

I didn't pay attention as I ran up to the royal couple. I hop beside my father, looking up at him.

"Daddy! Daddy look!" I exclaimed, "I've drawn a picture of you and mommy." Father continues reading the papers.

"That's fine dear..." He says, not even looking down at me.

"But daddy, you didn't even look at it." I said sadly. He says nothing as he continues looking at his work.

I felt a hand touched my shoulder. I looked up and saw that it was mother. She only showed an emotionless look to she always does.

"Please Umiko," she stated, "Why don't you go play and we'll see it later." I frowned.

"You always say that..." I said lowly. I walked away from them, heading to the opened door.

I looked back for a moment. They haven't even notice me leaving. I sighed as I turned around and exited the room.

~~~(Royal Garden)~~~

I sat by the small pond in the garden as I cried my eyes out. It was like this for me probably since I was born.

My parents, always thinking about kingdom over me. At first, I thought I was being selfish and that the kingdom need their rulers...but I soon realize...that I need my mommy and daddy.

I stared at myself from the reflection of the pond. My big blue eyes were strained from my tears. I couldn't help, but shed another tear and it hits the pond, creating ripples.

I suddenly hear a voice... A voice that was singing. I looked around, searching for the mystery voice.

I then notice very long vines that blows within in. I walked over to it and gently touched them.

Suddenly, I felt a breeze through the vines. I moved them out the way and found an opening. My curiosity took over and walk into the opening.

It was dark, but I continue to walk. It seem to be like a tunnel as it felt like forever. I finally something bright from afar...the exit.

I ran straight for the light. My eyes widened in shock as I witness the scene before me. It was an enchanted forest, surrounded with trees, flowers and adorable creatures.

In the middle of it all, was an enormous pond with a small waterfall. But what shocked me is what was sitting in the pond.

It was a very huge blue dragon. It was sitting there, singing the song. I was staring at it amazed. Not only it could talk, but it could sing as well. It then suddenly stopped.

"Who's there?" It asked with it's feminine voice. It's a female....

I slowly revealed myself from the shadows nervously. She stares down at me, a bit surprised.

"A human child?" She asks surprisingly. Her head leans close to me as I stepped back.

"Why have you came child?" She asked me curiously. I gulped nervously.

"I heard a song," I answered truthfully, "It was very beautiful." The dragon continues to stare.

"You say my song is beautiful?" She asked, astonished and I nodded.

"What is your name?" She asked.

"My name is Umiko," I answered, "Princess of the Megalos Kingdom."

"Princess..." She says quietly.

"What is your name?" I asked kindly. She suddenly showed her teeth, almost like a smile.

"I'm known as Ahava," she answered, "The Water Dragon."

"A dragon..." I said quietly. We stared at each other for awhile in silence.

"May I...hear your song again?" I asked politely. Ahava showed another smile.

"If you wish." She answered. My face lights up and I sat down as she began to sing her song again.

The voice I heard was beautiful. Her voice was angelic...something that I never heard before.

And that's how I met Ahava....


Hope you guys enjoyed it :)

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