Finding or Losing

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Coach leaned against the podium, and stared out at the sea of faces. "I'd like to get started right away, and I'll try to keep it short. Congratulations to all of the outstanding students this year who dedicated their time and efforts to Gregory Carlos Collegiate Institute's Athletic's Teams. We've had an outstanding year, not only in football, soccer, cross country, basketball, volleyball, baseball, gymnastics and swimming, but track too."

A series of whoops were let out throughout the auditorium. 

"Tonight is for acknowledging all that has happened this year, from games and meets to the actions of individuals. When your name is called, please come up here and credit will be given where credit is due."


Coach began reading out names, and their reasons

"Now, I wish to call up an outstanding student and athlete, who has dedicated themselves completely, offered up more than anyone could ever ask for and has been on of the best additions to GCCI's track team I have ever seen. She has placed first in ninety percent of her competitions, and in the other ten percent, placed second or third. She has set records for our school and region at the young age of seventeen. I'd like to congradulate Ruby McNair on being this year's top athlete."

Everyone clapped and called, but no one stood. 

Coach leaned closer to the microphone, "Come on up, McNair... McNair?" 

Silence of sound and a silence of movement. Coach coughed nervously, "Well, it seems that Ms McNair has been unable to join us this evening. Her certifcate will be awarded later, and I'll let our principal take over so we can move one to the banquet portion of tonight."

Coach scurried from the stage and whispered to a teacher at the edge of the stage, "This is unlike her. She's never missed a meet, a practice or a banquet even during exams."

"Where could she be then?"

"I don't know."


Mrs and Mr McNair never locked the front door, though they knew they should. When Mrs McNair came home from visiting her aging mother that afternoon, she noticed immediately that the kitchen light had been left on. The clock read something along the lines of five o'clock. Ruby's bag was by the door, and her room empty, though her bed disrupted with old sports shirts. Mrs McNair sighed, another late night, and began rummaging through the fridge for the left over chicken that would be that night's dinner. 

She pulled out a dish of over-cooked green beans and carrots alongside the chicken's tupperware container, and set it on the table, atop an unfolded piece of lined notebook paper. 

Mrs McNair peered closer and read the large and detached letters. She grabbed for the phone immediately and dialled Mr McNair. 

He answered on the thrid ring, and the screached at him, "Liam!"


The soon-to-be-divoreced couple sat at their kitchen table, unheated chicken and veggies between them. Liam McNair leaned across the table grimly and his wife took his hand. They waited as the clock read eight o'clock something.

The phone rang and Mrs McNair snatched for it, "Hello?"

"Hello, Mrs McNair?"


"This is Coach Adams from GCCI, I'm calling about your daughter, Ruby."

"Have you seen her?" She clutched the edge of the table and Liam watched her steadily, waiting to catch a clue from his wife.

"No. That's why I'm calling. She didn't show up at the sports banquet to recieve her award."

"Her award?"

"Top athlete of the year, your daughter has been outstanding, and it was awfully out of character for her not to show up. Is she doing ok?"

Mrs McNair wilted, and Mr McNair did too upon seeign her fatigue. 

"I don't know. I don't know where she is. I came home to a note today and that's all I know."


Police Investigator Georges showed up at the McNair household the next morning with a smart rap on the wooden door. Mrs McNair opened the door, looking only slightly disheveled.

"Ms McNair? I'm Investigator Georges. I'm here regarding your call this morning, about your daughter?"

She nodded and stepped from the door, guiding him into the kitchen. "Would you like a drink?"

"Water is fine." He sat at the table and looked at Ruby's unmoved letter, "Now, it's not uncommon for teenagers to run away. Eighty percent of the time, they return within seventy-two hours, but we'd still like to gather enough information in case she doesn't return home within that time."

"Ruby's stubborn. She won't give up easily."

"Ok," Georges took the glass of water in his hands. "Runaways also often happen when there is some form of unsettlement in their lives. Has Ruby been having any troubles in school, or are there any issues at home?"

Mrs McNair stared at him.

"You have to be completely honest if you want to find her."

"My husband and I, we're going through a divorce." Mother's cardboard composure was as blank and strong as ever.

"OK." He pulled a notepad from his pocket and began taking notes as Mrs McNair began going through Ruby's average day. "And you're sure she didn't show up to school today?"


"We will be in contact with the school shortly then. I just have a few more questions for you."


"Was she in any clubs or specific groups of friends?"

"She spent most of her time at track. And as far as friends went, she was usually with other girls on her track team."

"OK, and is there a time I could talk to her father?"

"He'll be home from work around seven thirty, I hope."

"Thank you. We'll be keeping our eyes out for Ruby."


Georges took the long way back to the station that day and set his cellphone on speaker. It rang three times before the other end picked up.


He grinned to himself, "Frederik's, I've got another case."

"Georges, it must be you."

"It is."

"What is it?"

"It looks like a standard runaway case, not a touch odd."

"Well then why are you calling me?"

Georges coughed, "I'll tell you that part in person. You free for lunch tomorrow?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2014 ⏰

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