Prophet Sohaib(AS)

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People Madian were Arabs who lived south of Jordan. They were greedy people who did not believe that Allah existed. They worshiped a tree called Al-Ayka as a god. That's were they were known as people of Ayka. They were very bad people. They used to rob the people who passed through their town and collect taxes from travelers. Another major sin was, they cheated people with measurements and lies to their costumer. Then Allah(SWT) sends prophet Sohaib(AS) to guide those people. He was the very good speaker and one of the five Arab prophets mentioned in the Quran.

Prophet Sohaib(AS) requested his people to accept Allah(SWT) as their god and not do any cheating in their business. But they only insult him.

After many years of trying only a small group of people accepted Allah(SWT) as their god. The rest of them threatened them to kill with stones and even warn him to throw him out of the city.

Prophet Sohaib(AS) informed them he was the prophet sent by Allah(SWT) to guide them into the right path and he wanted to keep their wealth pure by not cheating others. They called him layer. They thought prophet Sohaib(AS) was doing this in order to become rich himself.

Prophet Sohaib(AS) remained calm and tried to convince them what he was doing was not for his personal benefit. He requested them to follow the one and only God, Allah(SWT).

But only a few people accepted him as the prophet. He reminded them of what happened to people of Nuh, people of hud, Saleh, and the people of Lut(AS). Disbelievers became very angry with him. They forcefully took all the property of prophet Sohaib(AS) and his followers and threw them out of the city. They told them if they follow their rules they could return to the city. All of the believers refused and stayed outside of the city with a strong faith in Allah(SWT). The disbeliever even challenged prophet Sohaib(AS)  saying if he were a true prophet bring punishment of Allah(SWT) on them.

When prophet Sohaib(AS) didn't see any hope he requested Allah(SWT) to bring justice.
So Allah(SWT) accepted his request.

The big day arrived when Allah(SWT) sends such a punishment. He made the weather burning hot for the disbeliever. It was like there was no air in the city. The people of Madian was getting sick due to lack of air and the heat. Days and days there was only dryness. It was like burning in hell. They were suffering terribly.  They saw a mass of cloud gathering in the sky. They thought it would bring them cold refreshing rain. They didn't know that Allah(SWT) final punishment was coming down from that mass of clouds. They became very happy. They rushed outside to enjoy the rainfall.

Suddenly Allah(SWT) shocks the ground under them with a big earthquake. The cloud blast with thunderstorms. They heard a very loud sound which kills them instantly. They died there on the spot. The evil followers vanished by that horrible fire punishment.
Their wealth lay there.

Prophet Sohaib(AS) went back to the city with his followers. After seeing the bodies of disbeliever he said he didn't felt sorry for them as he warns them before. He tried to convince them. But they didn't believe them.

Prophet Sohaib(AS) spend the rest of his life in the city of Madian. Prophet Musa(As) came to the city of Madian after escaping from pharaohs. And married one of his daughters.

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