The one you haven't said sorry to

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William woke up in his apartment sleep in his eyes and hair in his face and his pale skin covered in sweat. Since he came back to earth he had been having more and more nightmares which would explain why he woke up so late it was already 9 am and he hadn't even gotten up from his bed the rest of the staff where probably at work already and he's the boss he should have been at work first but I mean he just got out of the fires of hell a week ago so it's understandable if he's a little late.

William got up and walked to his bathroom brushing his teeth and hair and so on getting dressed in a black and purple button up shirt with black jeans he walked out of the bathroom half act speckting his son Mike to be sleeping on the couch or rather past out from all the drinking he had been doing yesterday and as he entered the living room he found his prediction to have been correct Mike was in fact passed out snoring on the couch.

William sneaked past Mike careful not to wake him and finally coming into the kitchen. William opened his frige to see if there was anything to eat. William looked around finding he still had his favourite tipe of cookies in there. He took the cookies out of the frige and sat down at the diner table placing one in his mouth and munching away.

Morning Michael said as his hung over son came in with a very displeased face. Yeah yeah Mike said not very interested in starting a conversion with his newly reformed father. You better not drink tomorrow we have a party coming up and I don't want to be dealing with you complaining about a headache. Okay chill dad , jeez you've only been back a week and your already bossing me around. Yeah pretty much. William laughed at himself. Mike waked up to the coffee machine making a cup as him and his father talked about random topics.

Hey dad. Yes Michael. That party you where talking about earlier is it a family thing? What do you mean by that. Like who's going to be their? Oh well Scott , Vincent,your boyfriend Jeremy - He is not my boyfriend! Mike said blushing heavy. Yeah suuurrre William teased knowing that Mike has a big fat crush on him. Oh all the kids are ganna be there and Fritz , Chris and...that's about it. Aren't you forgetting someone? Mike asked feeling a little better after taking a sip of his coffee. Um... No that's everyone! William said his British ascent rolling off of his tough beautifully. Dad.. Mike said his patients starting to run thin.

What who did I forget to invite. Well ... Mike trailed off hoping his dad would remember but came to conclude that his father lost a few brain sells in the fire and spoke. Dad Henry. What! No . oh come on dad you haven't talked to him in years I know he slept with mom i mean you slept with his wife first and come on  just get over it.

William laughed at his son trying to convince him into inviting Henry thinking it was a joke but when Mike didn't laugh with him he saw that he was being serious. First of all he slept with your mother first may she rest in peace. Well we can't all be brought back in a imortal body like you and Henry. Mike cockily said to his father. Second of all! William screamed at his son getting his attention. I did speak to him down in hell and guess what!? I still hate him! Alright , alright calm down dad! Mike said softly calming his father down instantly. Mike got his phone out of his back jean pocket checking the time. What's the time William asked as if on q

It's 10 we should probably go to work. Mike said bluntly. Fine William said eating the last cookie in the box and grabbing his keys and walking to the door. You coming?William asked waiting for Mike to take his last sip of coffee and follow him to work, Mike finished and speed walked to the door. Good let's go William said closing and locking the door behind him.

----At Work----

Mike and William walked in to work greeting everyone talking for a while but soon enough William went to his office not knowing that his son was planning something that would change his life forever. Hey Phone guy . oh hello hello Mike. Do you have Mr. Whites phone number. Yeah why? Could you give it to me? Um..sure but I have to ask what's it for? I have to invite him to a little party.

Hey guys what did you think of the first chapter?

Hope your having a great day love you guys bye ❤❤

Henry x William accidentally in loveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang