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Okay, The main point is to have fun. So this is mostly an FYI page.


1: Don't control other characters! Try and be active so you can respond to someone, though.

2: No cat lives forever. I will automatically age up your cats, and when they are ready to be an apprentice/warrior, I will say! Check the alliances, they will be current.

3: Don't be that innapropriate cat. No curse words other than warrior words, please. If you HAVE to text-talk, make it understandable! And NO, a cat DOES NOT say "Lol"!

4: I'm sure you've heard these, I'll add more if NESSESARY

5: The code word is your favorite color

6: Don't Pp! Be realistic in all names, Descs, Etc.

7. Max cats is three, please!

Deputy and Medicine are TAKEN

If I don't accept your request within like, 5 hours, PM Me! You can roleplay without an accept, Unless I reject it.

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