Sad Matt

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M: Please y/n I didn't mean to it kinda jus-

Y: Matt *you interrupt him* you... *you pull him closer and look in his eyes with tears streaming down your face slowly*. You don't accidentally sleep with someone....

M: but-

Y: please Matt. Just leave me alone. I don't want to see you anymore. I'm breaking up with you.

M: but.. I love you. Only you.

*You had never heard Matt say I love you before. You were taking things slow so he didn't wanna force it in you at once. Saying it now made you think...*

Y: You never said you loved me before Matt. If you did you wouldn't have slept with someone else. You don't just go round telling people you love them hoping it will make things better. I'm sorry ... Wait why am I saying sorry! I didn't sleep with anyone!

M: y/n please just think about it. It's all I'm asking one last chance.

Y: I..i have to go I can't do this right now.

M: I'll call y-

Y: don't.

*you walk home with tears still rolling down your cheek and now your mascara and eyeliner. Suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder*


?: oh sorry you seemed kinda upset and I just wanted to see if you were ok? *he said handing you a tissue*

Y: yes I'm fine.

?: you don't look fine. Mind if I sit before you? *he sat down beside you and put his hand up to your face*

?: Oh I didn't catch your name?

Y: it's y/n

?: I like it. Mines Shawn. I moved here from Canada aye haha *he said smiling*

Y: Thanks I really needed some cheering up

S: So how bout I take you down to get an icecream ? That always cheers me up.

Y: ok but I have no mon-

S: I'll pay.

Y: Seriously ?

S: Yeah it's no big deal

*you both walk down to the ice cream parlour and both order Mint swirls*

S: Now tell me what happened?

Y: ok. So I've been going out with this guy called Matt for awhile and he's a bit older than me.

S: how old..

Y: well not that old I'm 15 and he's 17

S: hmm ok I'm 15 too. So continue

Y: and anyways. Oh gosh this is a bit personal but I feel like I can trust you.

S: Anything!

Y: ok well we were both virgins and I was planing to lose it on my 16th to him. But then one today I tried to surprise him ,because I only came back from Hawaii last night, by being at his house before he got back from football practice and his mom said I could come in and wait. Anyways she had to go to the store so I waited alone for him... Then the phone rang.

S: yes?

Y: well I didn't want to answer it so I let it go to voice message and Matt has one of those phones where once you leave a message it says it outloud.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2014 ⏰

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