PART 1: 2004

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It was a hot afternoon somewhere in Laguna at the Philippines & four friends Jaycee, Katy, Jasmine & Lance are now on their way home now that semestral break has come. While driving news was being broadcast on the radio of their car.

"Now for our afternoon news disappearance of Lara & Joy Luna still under investigation. If you can recall the sisters were announced missing in the year 1998 while driving & heading home at an old road, until now their disappearance still remains a mystery"

"Well that's sad, that case is now six years & those sisters are haven't been found" Said Jaycee to his friends.

"Are we still far Jaycee?" Katy asked.

"Yeah, we're going to get there in about two more hours" Jaycee replied.

"Finally its sem-break & we can get to go home to our families!" Jasmine sang. "I really miss my parents especially my little brother Melvin"

"I really envy your relationship with your brother Jasmine. The two of you get along very well while me & my brother Jerry can't stand each other even for a second" Lance complained.

"Come on Lance, Jerry is your only brother you're the older one so you need to understand him"

"Fine Jasmine..." Lance sighed.

Out of nowhere a speeding pickup truck bumped the car that they are riding which set Jaycee in rage.

"What's this guy's problem?!!?"

"Jaycee let him pass you, he's insane!"

"No Lance! I'll show this guy what he's looking for!"

"Jaycee his honking really bad just let him pass us already!" Katy cried.

"Please Jaycee for our safety do it" Jasmine implored.

"Fine" Putting the car on the right & pulling over. "There!!! The whole road is all yours asshole!!!" Jaycee yelled as the truck passed their car.

"What the heck was his problem?!?" Katy blurted.

"Please let's just get going guys" Lance requested.

"Just a second guys, I need to check the car" Jaycee stepped out from the car.

"Make it quick..."

Unexpectedly one of the wheels got flat so Jaycee swears in anger.

"What happened bro?" Lance asked.

"We got a flat tire!"

"Seriously?!? Where are we going to find help? We're like in the middle of nowhere!" Katy whined.

"Don't worry I got a spare tire here but I think this is going to take a while to get fix"

"I'll help you buddy" Lance volunteered.

"Thanks Lance I know I can count on you"

After a few hours of fixing the tire & travelling on road night time finally caught on to them.

"Is it me or does the road here look a bit creepy?" Jasmine observed.

"Jasmine is right guys it does look creepy" Katy agreed.

In a few minutes they finally reached the bridge connecting to the main road of their town but something is blocking their way.

"I think we got another problem here guys" Jaycee stopped.

"What is it Jaycee?" Lance wondered.

"The bridge it's under construction we can't cross it"

"Could things get even worse?!?" Katy groaned.

Dark Mind Series:WRONG ROAD (Keep Driving to Survive)Where stories live. Discover now