Chapter 3 - Its in the Rule Book

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And then, the unthinkable happened........

Ryder kissed me.

As we pulled apart, I luckily didnt feel awkward.

Until we saw Sam and Blaine standing in the entrance to the kitchen, their eyes wide. Sam especially. But they werent angry, they seemed kind of amazed and happy. Blaine as well just not quite as much as happy looking,  he looked a little more shocked...

"Um, hey guys," Sam said awkwardly setting the bags down on the counter. "Whats going on?"

"Okay you know what im just gonna be honest here. why not we are family right?" Ryder spoke up. "I left a note on her desk telling her to join glee because she is such a good singer but it was anonymous and when you left she asked me if I left the note and I said yes. Then I slipped out that she was adorable and pretty and she said I was cute and a goofball. And then.... I just kissed her..."

I stood there just looking like a criminal,  thinking Sam was gonna punch Ryder in the face, but then the wierdest thing happened: Sam started clapping. He had a huge smile on his face and started hugging us and Blaine just stood there, still confused about everything.

"Wait so you arent gonna like ounch him in the face or anything?" I asked, still being cautious.

"Why would I punch him in the face. You guys seem happy which makes me happy so everyhings alright." Sam explained. Then we all realized that there wasnt really a problem so everything was fine.

"Now that thats out of the way,  can we try to find a way for Kaila to be in glee club?" Ryder asked, seeming desperate.

"Sure. I have my show choir rule book that Mr. Scheu gave us in my room. Here, bring some snacks into my room and we can find ways for  her to be allowed to try out to be in glee club. See Kaila, I wasnt lying when I told  you that you were a good singer, Ryder agrees with me."

I just laughed at how excited they all were about getting me into gleee club, while they finished putting stuff away and grabbed some snacks as we all headed upstairs to Sam's room.

~~~~~~  2 hours later  ~~~~~~

Ryder P.O.V.

It was about 6:30 p.m. when I had found the answer to how we could have it be allowed for Kaila tryout for glee club. We were all laying around in Sams huge room: Blaine laying in Sams bed looking hopeless, Sam, spinning around on his desk chair, Kaila laying in her stomach on Sams navy blue futon couch in front of her laptop.

I was just laying on the ground, but then I jumped up when I read aloud what I had found, "HERE IT IS ! GUYS ITS RIGHT HERE! it states on Page 112 Section 2 Paragraph 5 Rule #874: If there is to be a new member of a show choir that isnt currently enrolled at the school the show choir is representing but will be attending there in the next 2 years, the are certified to audition for that show choir, as long as the show choir competitions that show choir are attending are let known ahead of time. ITS ALL RIGT HERE!!!"

Kaila P.O.V.

"Finally you found it! This is so exciting, Kaila can try out for the New Directions now! She should audition tonight when the glee club comes over!" Blaine stated with enthusiasm and a look of relief spread across his face.

"Im so excited. But I dont know if im good enough to be in glee club. I have heard amazing stories about these people, they are legends. Plus, even if I am good enough, they probably wouldnt like me." I stated.

"Im sure they will love you, you will be like the little sister of our glee club family. And im posotive you are good enough," Ryder assured me. Then I heard a doorbell ring and then I went to go change into a better outfit for my audition while the guys answered the door.

About 30 minutes later, all of the people from glee club were here and sitting in my living room while Sam explained how I was allowed to audition. Then Sam told me it was time to audition.

I stepped into the center of the living room with all their eyes on me. I didnt know all of them but I knew a few people.

I introduced myself and told them that if they didnt want me jn glee club I totally understood. Then I started singing Soemone Like You, a song that I was pretty good at.

I gained confidence as it got more into the song, hitting all the notes. But then I realized all their jaws were dropped, probably of how bad I was singing. When I finished everyone started clapping and cheering, making me feel good.

Then Finn, the guy who was taking over glee club while Mr. Scheu was gone, spoke up and said, "I think I can speak on the behalf of the glee club and say that you were amazing and it looks like we have a new member of the glee club!"

I stood there not breathing, trying to process this. I am going to be in the glee club. I was so happy! And it feels good knowing that I am allowed to, I mean everything is all figured ot so we arent going against any rules and after all, its in the rule books.

After that we all ate and hung out for awhile until we decided that we would have all the girls go into my room and hang out for awhile while all the guys went into Sams room.

As all the girls were walking into my room Ryder pulled me aside for a sexond to give me a quick kiss on the cheek, and then he smiled and went with the rest of the guys.

Then after I shut the door and turned around, all the girls were staring at me and then suddenly started screaming and jumping around, nearly giving me a heart attack.

"What!?!?" I asked.

"Duh, you and Ryder? When did this hapen?" Tina asked eagerly.

Then I told them the whole story about ya know what happened earlier, all of them so wrapped up in the story. when I finished talking, Marley I think said, "Im so glad. See, him and Jake were fighting over me in the very beginning of the year and I chose Jake so im glad Ryders over me."

"Me too, otherwise he wouldn't be mine," I laughed. "Well can I just say how excited I am to be in glee club. Sam always has these great stories and I wish I could be a part of them all the time. You guys are like legends"

"Aw thanks. We are all really excited to have you in glee club girl!" Unique spoke up.

Then I plugged my iphone into my ihome and then one song came on that we all recognized and was an anthem, Baby by Justin Bieber.

We all sang at thetop of our lungs knowing every single line. We just had so much fun dancing and leaping around the room.

Then when the last line ended we looked up to see all the guys stand at the entrance to my walkin closet just staring at us.

"I didnt know we had such good dancers in the glee club, " Sam said.

"Um, how did you get access to my room.," I asked with sas walking closer to him.

"Well genius, your bath room door wasnt locked and neither was your closet door so yeah I have total access," Sam smirked at me while coming in front of me and leaning down to my height.

"Well thanks for the compliment," I said and a second later slapping him in the face, I mean his face was right there, why wpuld I pass up such a great opportunity?

Then he started tackling and tickling me while everybody else just laughed at us. But when Sam took a split second to breathe, I slipped ot of his grip and ran out the door, into sams room, into the bathroom and into my walkin closet where nobody was anymore because they were all looking for me downstairs now so I just got up, got my phone, and went back to my hiding spot behind hanging clothes.

I called the home phone and Sam picked up, "Hello."

"Hi this is Kaila. Do you wanna know where I am?" I asked being fake-sweet.

"Uh, yeah."

"I will just come out I dont want you knowing where my hiding spot is." I replied.

As I came into the kitchen where everyone was, we all just decided to have dessert and watch disney movies until we fell asleep which for me was 2am. All I know is that I was here in the glee club and these were going to be the best few years of my life.

Hey guys hoped you liked it took a long time to write I will update tomorrow bye!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

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