Love In Sketches

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I, Alex, a boy with blonde hair and bright eyes, was outside drawing during the lunch break rather than going to eat. I was lucky enough to get out without being asked where I am going, but it had been a close call with a red haired co-worker, who I noticed has been keeping an eye on me. Talk about creepy, although it did not seem that way, it was almost like he was worried about me.

Deep in my thoughs I hadn't realized someone had made his way next to him, until he asked:"is it alright if I sit down?". I reacted rather quickly, but realizing its my co-worker I calmed down.
"yeah, sure, I don't mind," I replied, feeling better knowing that I'll finally have some decent company. The red haired boy seemed to take interest in my drawings, and I began to feel a bit uncomfortable until, he happily asked:"do you like drawing?"

"yeah," I quietly replied, but was heard none the less.

"woaaah, you're really good at it, I like drawing too but my style is nowhere near as realistic as yours!" he confessed, as he pulled out a similar sketch book to my out of his bag. With neat writing it had been specified that it belonged to him.

After talking a bit about his drawings and style, which turned out to be really cartoonish, he seems to take up interest in me once again, so he asks:"How long have you been drawing?"

"Oh, um.. Maybe a few years or so, what about you?" I reply, trying to shift the conversation onto him.

"Same here," he answers, as he turns to take something else out of his bag.
"I heard your birthday is coming up soon so I thought i get you a present." he took a small, but colourful box out of his bag, "it's not much, really."

I take the box from his giving hands and open it, inside is a necklace made out of shiny silver, in the middle there is a round pendant that is filled with colours, looking like a galaxy. It's beautiful."thank you, it looks amazing," I thank him cheerfully.

I begin to put it on when he stops me, "let me help you," he proceeds to lean in close while putting it on.

I can hear his breath against my ear, feel his smell of mint, and see his beautiful freckles up close. Not only that but his eyes are a stunning dark brown, it pierces me through my heart and makes me shiver a bit. He feels so stunning, so amazing, so close and yet so far. I start leaning in when he pulls back, im startled but he announces he's done. He compliments me as I blush a bright red:" Y'know, red looks good on you."
I start to blush even more.

This man is going to be the absolute death of me! <3

"Are you alright?" he asks, startling me.

"Yeah, just zoned out..."

I notice he has a smirk on his face, oh boy, i feel happy but strange now, it diffrent, he's diffrent, I-

"Soo, 12.00 on sunday?" he asks me out on a date, A DATE?!

I hesitate before answering.

"Yeah," I happily answer.

"Well then, i'll come pick you up after work."


As he walks away I slowly take in whats happened, and as I do, I turn a bright red once again. I swiftly look over my shoulder at him, and he seems to notice this, so he winks and smirks at me. I grow and even deeper red.

There is one thing I did forget, his name.
I go to stand up but I feel a small paper near my hand. I look at it and it has his number and name on it, with a few more social medias and a drawing.

"Diego, huh"

Yeah, I can get used to Diego <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2019 ⏰

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