Chapter V: Toxicity

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{ First of all, I want to thank all of you for almost 150 views. The fact that you guys take the time out of your day to read this means the world to me!
Secondly, this chapter will be getting into sensitive subjects, fair warning.
Lastly, shouout to my boi Canadian for being my #1 supporter lmao, love ya! }

Violet and Clementine were talking over texts for that whole night before Clementine fell asleep. They got to know more about each other, which was already a great thing. The friendship was growing into something else, but they both were down to see where it took them. They hadn't made anything official yet, both waiting for the time to be right. However, Clementine couldn't get Violet to open up about her life at home, but she wasn't going to give up that easily.

The next day at school was pretty boring, and Violet was pretty much on autopilot the whole time. The best part of her day was getting to see Clementine in the hallways and the few classes that the two had. Violet knew that Clementine wanted to know about her life, but she didn't know if protecting her from the shitty side of herself was a good or bad thing. She sat down next to Clementine in her math class, giving her a smile before letting her mind wander. 'People need to be truthful in relationships, right? Honesty is the best policy?' Violet knew how much keeping secrets from the people you love could tear them apart, so she decided that she would give Clementine some insight after school.

When the last class of the day came around, Violet got the courage to ask Clementine if she wanted to go to her own house to talk. She knew her parents wouldn't be home, which gave her enough time to explain her situation to the other girl. Clementine didn't even hesitate to say that she'd love to. 'Well that was easier than I expected...' Clementine thought to herself. This meant she didn't have to construct a plan to get Violet to let her come over to her house.

Class started, but the two girls kept whispering to each other. Clementine had always been able to keep her focus in all of the previous schools that she had attended, but this new group of friends changed that. She wanted to talk to all of them in every class, but she still had some self-control until it came to Violet. All she wanted to do was talk to her and never stop.

Clementine heard her father clear his throat, giving Clementine a disappointed look. He knew that if he let it slide, they would think that Clementine could get away with everything. "Clementine, since you just love talking in my class, how about you tell me the timeline of the Civil War." He demanded, waiting as his daughter thought for a second. Some people in the class 'Ooo'ed at her, not thinking she knew the answer.

"Started in... April of 1861, and ended in April of 1865." She said, with a frown towards her father. She knew that he was just doing it out of love, and she wasn't hurt by it at all.

Lee nodded in approval, "Correct, but still, when I am talking, you aren't. Understand? That goes for everyone, I'm lookin' at you Jackson." He pointed at a kid who's head shot up. The class began laughing, even Violet and Clem.

The group met up after school and made small conversations before Clementine felt a large hand on her shoulder. She mouthed 'Shit' before turning around to see her father. "Hey, whats up?" Clementine questioned, already knowing the answer as Lee excused the two of them from the group.

Lee got down to her level, being just out of ear-shot of her friends who were curious. "What's going on with you, sweetpea? You never do stuff like what you did today. I know that you want to make friends, but couldn't you save that until my class is done?" He said, his face turning somewhat serious.

Clementine nodded, knowing that she should have just listened in his class. "Yeah, I know. Sorry, I really don't have an explaination. It won't happen again, boss." She grinned with a salute, making Lee chuckle. He stood up, giving her permission to go back with her friends. "Do you know what time you'll be home?" The man questioned, walking away some, but still being able to hear her.

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