Chapter 20-Day of Reckoning Part 2 (Old friends Old lies)

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The two Garchomps met each other eye to eye. The tower illuminated a dark red glow, accompanied with a sinister smoke cloud. The minarets which circled the tower shook with tremendous strength; Three spheres levitated out of the minarets. One a bright fire red, the second a bright ocean blue, and the last a soft nature teal. The spheres linked together and formed in the center of the tower, circling each other like a mildly wild Ferris wheel.

“The summoning has begun,” Anthony let out a disturbing laugh.

Cynthia was ready to battle. Even though he was her best friend she could not let him get away with this. However Anthony had taught her many things about pokemon battles so he would be a worthy opponent for her. The master held on to his scepter for balance while watching the battle. The master motioned for the battle to begin immediately. The tow Garchomps glided at the same moment, clawing fiercely at each others face.

“Why would you do this to me? I thought we were friends” Cynthia shouted, upset.

“But we are, Cynthia. I only want what’s best for the world. You saw how horrible the world is: full of death and sorrow.”

“No, that’s not how I see it. The world is a strange place but it’s not how long we live that makes us happy, dear friend. It’s the quality of our lives that determines our happiness.”  

“I see,” he rubbed his chin.

“Let us battle to see who’s vision is the one true way,” the master waved his hand for the battle to begin again.

A large explosion boomed against the surface of the interior of the helicopter. Giovanni held tightly on to his seat. Brock and the settlers rushed to the safety of town. A purple uniformed women came to the control room and saluted Giovanni.

“The helicopter has suffered serious damage to the hull.” she reported.

“Get the engineers to fix it up, Kair” Giovanni ordered.

Kair saluted him then left to call for help with repairing the helicopter. Domino waved her blonde hair and stood in front of Govanni.

“Sir, I request permission to assist our allies,” Domino saluted.

“Of course. Go help them,” Giovanni ordered granting her permission.

“But sir.  Maybe we can assist,” objected James.

“No. your job is to stay here and help guide the Genesect,” denied Giovanni.

“I understand,” Jessy nodded.

“I should go help my friends,” Iris waved goodbye to the Rocket members and left after Ash and Dawn.

Iris jogged into Junction city. The whole town was set ablaze many buildings on fire. Large number of settlers began breaking into stores looking for food and supplies. Brock was among them feeding food and applying medicine to whomever needed it. Iris waved to Brock.

“Look out,” a random settler warned.

Iris looked up to see a row of Fearow arrows showering on her. Iris ran for cover but she was too late:  an arrow hit her in the thigh. Brock quickly reached Iris, attempting to treat her serious wounds.

“This isn’t good we have to find a pokemon center and quick” Brock said.“Quick guys help me pick her up” Brock requested.

The civilians ran to Iris and picked her up gently, then rushed her to the center.  

The clouds boomed with a echo of constant lightning. The two Garchomp’s parried each others blow. Each blow made a loud shake and screech from the blades shattering against each other.

Anthony’s Garchomp ducked and stabbed at Cynthia’s pokemon. Garchomp blocked the blow and the two were once again in a deadlock grip against each other.

“Please don’t do this to yourself..,” Cynthia begged.

“I made my decision. I will humbly accept  punishment for my actions,” Anthony said, comforting Cynthia.

The master clapped happily. A loud crunch came from his ribs then his whole body collapsed like a used doll. A black purple smoke hissed above him. The Master’s body levitated, the hood he concealed himself with was pulled off and it showed the Fiori region professor; The hissing continued again.

“It’s true, he came to my lab one day with Tobias. Both of them knew about my research involving a way to become immortal. However, I only intended to use my research as a cure for the plague. Boy, did they surprise me when they came to my doorsteps and took me hostage. Oh, they were so desperate for me to find a solution. So the two took me here: If I didn't bring back  anything of value that would help. I would be murdered. That’s when I came across the dark energies of this place. Boy, was I surprised when a voice called to me and crawled inside me. That voice then made me walk back and brainwash these two fools. Before you know it, I had a army of my won followers.”  inhumanly

“That’s not the professor.. who are you?” Cynthia glared.

‘I am the great shadow, I am Horocrux” bowed the puppet body.

The settlers rushed Iris into the pokemon center. The men ransacked the building for medicine to treat the wounds; Brock quickly gathered the medicine and applied it to Iris’s wound.  A scyther crashed into the room hacking and slashing at the civilians. N ran to their side, parrying the Scyther’s blade.

“Help her N,” urged Brock.

A mass of Scythers came to back their comrade up. The Team Plasma knights rushed to N and rallied under him. Calling large numbers of Krookodiles. The team galctic Zubats quickly took deep breaths simultaneously, causing a large vortex to suck up the flying Fearows. A large ball crammed together shaped the disorganized clump of absorbed pokemon. The pokemon were then launched at the tower on Nathan’s order. A loud wave of thuds against the wall bounced off the tower.

The two Garchomps charged again, only to be met in yet another bloody deadlock. Cynthia swiped a secret blow from an open part of Anthony’s Garchomp. The enemy Garchomp was hit and began to feel the pain in it’s wound surge through him. Cynthia’s Garchomp sneered at first, but then felt a wound of it’s own. Both trainers returned their pokemon, acknowledging each others limitations.

“I never faced a opponent like you before. Everyone I used to fight did not have skills as excellent as yours. You were the only trainer that I did not defeat in a battle. But today I can’t lose. For our sake, and everyone on this planet.”

“For my sake?” he added.

“For your sake too,” Cynthia added.

She felt a sudden surge through her spirit and soul. Her heart thumped at a skyrocket pace.

A large black Rayquaza burst out with pride and majesty.

“It was my fault that this happened. But now it’s up to me to write my wrongs,” Cynthia bowed gently, ready for a second round of battle.

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