~~Chapter 17~~

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*Bring! Bring!*slam* . Another day , another dawn , I rubbed my eyes with the backs of my hands . I slept like a baby , wow not like me at all . The sun was beaming through my window like it was 12 in the afternoon , and it was , which meant my alarm had to be going off for hours . 'I slept really late today , wonder why?' I rolled over to back the sun and to my shocking delight , there was Nate , lying next to me . His face looked so happy , 'gosh , he was even more gorgeous when he slept .' I didn't want to wake the sleeping angel so I tried to gently slip out of his embrace . He held me so close I was surprised we weren't one person by now , I raised his hand from around my waist and slid over a little . I gripped the towel which was spread underneath me and wrapped it around me 'thank god I locked the bedroom door when we came in last night ' I thought to myself as I made my way to sit on the end of the bed . 'OMG! A guyyy ...is in my bed !! And it's one that I want there !AHHHHH! Wait ............omg , I just remembered how he got there , ..............He.............He...... --"morning beautiful"-- He Ate Me!!OMGGGGGG!!!-- "huh" I heard the voice interrupt my thoughts , it was him and did he just say I was beautiful . (Major blush) "I said , morning beautiful" his voice came from behind me ,I turned on a side so I could see him . "Do you mean me ?" 'STUPID of course he means you . There's no one else in the room !' "Noo , I mean the mermaid sitting in the chair eating a tuna sub while totalling yodalling" his sarcasm was adorable . "Very funny . Does Joy know you slept here , in my bed?!" I really didn't want the answer to that question , "yeah , she came knocking at about 7 this morning , you were out like a light , I covers you with the covers of course . Don't worry I won't tell about our ....*chuckle* night ." Ok thank god , his words were some sort of comforting , in a way kinda . "Ok" I was relieved to hear that , "hey listen , I have to run some errands for my mom , but I will be back to spend the evening with you , I have a surprise for you .", he was leaving ? Nooo , he couldn't leave , then I would have to deal with my aunt alone . Without his good persuasive skills . "Your leaving?! But what about my aunt's wrath --in a whispered tone-- and her shoes!!" I looked at him with nervous eyes . "You'll be fine , besides I talked to her already . She was quiet interested in how you play such a bad girl yet you were crying ." I looked at him with a face that said 'WHAT THE FUCK!' . Then he continued "don't worry , I told her they were tears of anger becuz you couldn't fight off the man , and not of fear . Which I knew they were ." He said , looking at me as though he knew I would protest when I knew it was the truth . Damn it , it was true , I was scared to the point where I would have wet myself just to make him walk away . I almost did , then I heard Nate's car engine and burned that idea . "Ok I guess , but if she kills me for those shoes , I'm coming back to haunt your ass ." He laughed? Was he taking me for a joke ! Awh helllll naw! "Dude , she won't kill you , she knows I wouldn't be able to live with out you" 'Awwwwwwwww he's so sweeeeeeeet . Snap out of it Kat! Your getting mushy' "Hmm , you know you wouldn't , you would just move on tho the next misfit , train-riding , wrong-club-going girl that comes your way ." Did I really just say that! OMG! What if I just have him an idea . "You know , your so right . Can you ask if Ariana's free ." Ughh! I gave him a hard snarl and punched his arm , obviously , since he didn't budge , it hurt me more than him . "I'm kidding , jeeeez . Where did you learn to punch people like Mike Tyson !" He rubbed his upper arm where I hit him , "if I tell you , I'd have to kill you" as the words left my mouth he looked at me with total shock . "Ok , I have to go , but I will be back this evening with my surprise " with those words he kissed my forehead , got up off the bed , put on his shirt and left the room . Wow, a guy finally liked me......for me , I let a few minutes roll by then I finally found the strength to get up .


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