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* Wanted to write a fic under this two,but did not know how to. so, thought a song fic on the remix of Don't leave will be good.  I'm proud how it came out, but improving is best. My goal was to image Brian singing this song in his own time.during a separation from Matt. I think I accomplished that,but you all will be the judge *

* Song by: MØ and Snakehips and the remix is by Ben Woodward*

*~ I do not own this band or song used~*

Brian Haner Jr is currently a regret mess after what happened weeks before. he is sitting on the sofa, he seems to be on his phone on the YouTube app, a bottle of JD on the other and ear buds in. he comes across a song name ' Don't Leave' by the artists of Snakehips and MØ,the remix he found is by someone under the name Ben Woodward. he press play on the song and lays on the couch.

You know me

Now and then, I'm a mess

please don't hold that against me

as the song starts with those lyrics, he listens and draws connection that it fits to his current situation. he sees the video again making sure he is hearing it right and that the connection is right before laying his arm down to his side holding his phone looking up to the ceiling again. the song continues:

I'm a boy with a temper and heat

I know I can be crazy

But I'm not just a fuck-up, I'm the fuck-up you need

he lets go of the bottle now letting the contents of what it is left spill. he loves the song, he also knows he should off not listen to this type of songs according to Johnny Christ, but he could not help it. the beat is catchy,the voice of the singer is catchy.

I don't hear nobody when you focus on me

Perfectly imperfect, yeah, I hope that you see

Tell me you see

'Cause I know that you've been thinking 'bout it

The next few lines he starts to feel the need to sing. he could also feel tears start to sting his eyes.

Don't leave

Shut your mind off and let your heart breathe

You don't need to be worried

I may not ever get my shit together

But ain't nobody gonna love you better

Don't go

the need to sing won and his angelic voice fill the room with his singing. he is glad he looking at the ceiling than something of Matt. he will break almost instantly with the song if he sees something that reminds him of his band member,the song reminding him of the vocalist is enough. he gently closes his eyes reminding himself more be with the song.

What we have here is irreplaceable

No, I won't trade this for nothing

I may not ever get my shit together

But ain't nobody gonna love you better than me, yeah

Love you better than me

during his singing his voice starts to break. reminder of the singer is hard to cope. Knowing that sooner or later working on new stuff will need to begin and he is not sure he can handle it. He touches the necklace that Matt gave him,he never threw it away, at the feeling of the necklace the voice became weaker on the next verse.

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