The Great Pretender

188 13 3

Mandi's POV:

The sun was so bright. A beam escaped a crack in the blinds. I rolled over and pulled the covers over my eyes, refusing the fact that I needed to wake up. On the other side of the covers a hand gently starts to rub my head. I groan, "noooo". The hand starts to pull the sheet down and he laughs. I had one eye peeping out as I smirked at his sight. "You have to get up soon.." James says. I roll my only eye open and thne close it and force the bed sheet over my head again. "I'll make you breakfast...?" He whispered. I slowly pulled the sheet back down, "chocolate chip pancakes?". He laughs, "Anything you want." I start to stretch, waking up my body. I bring my face close to James' ,"You're the best!" He kisses my nose, "I know."


3 years earlier


*phone ringing*

"MANDI PICK UP YOUR PHONE" my roommate yelled.

I run to the kitchen, where I left it, and answer,

"Riker Anthony"

"Amanda Nicole"

"What are you up to?" I asked on my way to my room.

"Just thinking, which is never a good thing." He laughs.

"Oh no... You? Thinking? Are you feeling okay?" I joke with him.

"Mandi, I don't know.. I might need your help with this. How quick can you be here?"

I laugh, "how quick do you need me?"

"I need you NOW!" He yells through the phone.

"On my way." And I hang up.

I slip on a pair of my ripped skinny jeans and some converse and I don't bother changing out of my bagging tshirt, since I'm just going to Riker's place. He texts me as I'm walking out the door,

"Don't forget to bring it!"

"Thanks for reminding me!" I replied.

We have this thing that we always bring each other our "movie of the week" and we watch it together every time we hang out. Riker has been my best friend for almost 7 years now, we tell each other everything.

I was about 3 minutes away from Riker's apartment and my phone starts ringing,

"Riker Anthony I'm almost at your place"

"Amanda Nicole can you stop somewhere quick?"

I let out a heavy, sarcastic, sigh, "I guess I can. What do you need?"

"SWEEDISH FISH AND SOUR PATCH KIDS! We ate all of the ones I had last movie night!"

"Okay. Do we need anything else?"

There was a pause and I heard some shuffling.

"Nope! Just you, the movie, and the candy!"

I laughed, "Alright be there soon!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2014 ⏰

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